Monday, December 29, 2008

Going to da Playoffs--- Chargers 52 Donkies 21

Sweet. The Chargers rolled over the hapless Denver Broncos 52-21 and vindicated Ed Hochuli and his fast whistle. It was a happy day for all the fans in Chargerdom. Too bad Jay Cutler didn't think so. Losing so many games in the last seconds was nerve wrecking and painful. So...

New Charger Jersey... $38.00

Case of Michelob Ultra... $10.99

New Charger cap $5.00

Beating the Broncos 52-21 and sending Jay Culter home to cry for the winter.... Priceless.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Stomach Flu Strikes Our House

Well it was a "Green" day after Christmas for me... and I don't mean green like the environment. A green stomach woke me up in the middle of the night and in the words of an old British friend, Bill Mansell, I had a "technicolor yawn".

It made taking K back to the airport a little more interesting. Now daughter has it and BMO will get it soon I am sure. I'm not sure how to properly thank the little kid who gave this to me at work last week.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Ho-Ho-Ho. We started a new Christmas Eve tradition. K loaded the fountain with four pounds of Ghiradelli's Chocolate and we used fruit and marshmallows to dip into the cascading candy. Fruit is healthy... right? Talk about sugar overload.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chargers and Donkies to Play for AFC West Title

After a mostly down season, the San Diego Chargers are rising to the occasion in December and can win a playoff spot and the AFC title with a win over Denver this Sunday Night. They lost close games due to poor coaching, defensive lapses, penalties and of course Ed Hochuli's blown call against the same Broncos early in the season.

So it comes down to "win and you're in" in the last game of the season.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's OFFICIAL: Lions at 0-15 are Worst Ever.

WCF Sr. congratulates Coach Rod Marinelli on reaching 15 straight losses.

Well a season that began with such high hopes and enthusiasm was indeed record breaking- but in the wrong kind of way. The Detroit Lions- who haven't won a title since 1957- officially became the worst team of all-time in the NFL. They were slaughtered by the New Orleans Saints 42-7 in a game where the score was closer than the on-field play. Phrases like "totally out-played", out-coached and overwhelmed could describe the carnage at Ford Field in Detroit, MI this afternoon.

The Owner, William Clay Ford Sr. (WCF) , spoke before the game and said he was bringing back two of the "mastermind" geniuses of this season, Martin Mayhew (acting GM) and Tom Lewand (VP). Apparently, canning GM Matt Millen earlier in the year was all the firing the ever-loyal, little white yoda could stomach for one season. (anyone else remember Russ Thomas- now there was loyalty).

Below is my version of the "Twelve Step Program" for quitting the Lions (feel free to use any or all suggestions to successfully quit being a Lions fan):

__ Burn Lions jersey and bury ashes in backyard in an unmarked grave
__ Remove "" from IE7 favorites
__ Cancel NFL Network
__ Drink heavily (a six pack is not enough)
__ Take up boxing- put WCF's face on the punching bag
__ Limit checking to once daily then taper off (never read another Killer Kowalski article)
__ Have wife throw out the daily sports page before you read it
__ Mute SportsCenter whenever Chris Berman talks about Lions
__ Put Rod Marenelli's photo on a dart board
__ Watch playoffs- smile to self- knowing the Lions will never get there
__ Adopt a new NFL team and buy their team jersey
__ Actually enjoy watching the NFL draft this spring and laugh at all the Lions picks

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Check it out

I added an "Adsense" link at the bottom of my narrow column on the bottom right. If it looks interesting click it and it wil send some spare change my way. Who would have thought that this blog could make money?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Five Things

Here's a quick look at five things:

1- How about Sports? The lions are trying to be the first team to get to 0-16, the Chargers are trying to stay alive and make the NFL playoffs, the Spartans are playing in a New Year's Day Bowl and BMO is in Las Vegas in a wrestling tourney.

2- How about the economy? The Big three automakers are looking shaky while the US government, who bailed out the banks from their own stupidity, is standing still and watching them go down, gasoline prices are at 2003 levels, stores are closing and people losing their homes.

3. How about my fantasy football team? The Poway Sluggers are palying for the championship this weekend after finishing 8-6 and getting the last playoff spot.

4. How about Microsoft Internet Explorer having a wide open hole to let hackers steal passwords? Thank goodness for Mozilla Firefox. I hate microsoft and all they stand for.

5. How about having your family home for the holidays? Great.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

101 in 1001-- Item 37 Learn to cook 7 new dishes

Why I chose this: Variety. I am not a good cook, and the same, few meals that I do cook get pretty boring after awhile.

What I Did: I found seven recipes and got the stuff and cooked them up. I even made homemade sauerkraut! Overall it was a success- so mission accomplished.

101 in 1001-- Item #67 Find a hobby

Why I chose this: Having a hobby that you enjoy can make even the worst day rewarding. Raining outside? no problem...

What I Did: I sat down and tried a few things that are enjoyable and came to this conclusion. I've got several hobbies. I used to thing golf would be a hobby that I would learn to enjoy after retiring from the Navy. I would have more time to do it. Not. Golf, although fun, isn't something I want to do all the time. Here are five of my favorite hobbies:

1- writing.
2- wine making.
3- sports simulation games.
4- gardening.
5- reading.

All fairly sedentary. But all something that can fill rainy day.

Here are three activities I enjoy doing:

1- hiking.
2- biking.
3- golf.

Monday, December 1, 2008

101 in 1001 Items 78 (Message in a Bottle) and 92 (Time Capsule)

Why I Chose This: It's a long time idea to put a message in a bottle and toss it in the ocean. Also people hae been leaving items in time capsules for years (The Tombs of Egyptian Pharoahs)

What I Did: Because I couldn't see adding even more litter to the ocean I took a different approach. I sealed a message and some current news articles in a Miller Genuine Draft beer bottle, sealed it with cork and buried it in the back yard- nuder a grape vine. Who knows what the people who find that in ??? years will think.

101 in 1001-- Item # 26-- Do 250 mini courses

Why I Chose This: I enjoy learning about new things and find myself using google quite a bit. I also listen to lots of interesting podcasts: histrotical, how-to, sports, scientific, religious, etc. I figured I woud try to learn 250 new things...

What I Did: I purposefully looked up, listened to or read about 250 intersting subjects from the history of American Thanksgiving to how a light bulb works to how they landed on the moon. It was an interesting course of study I got to learn about things that interested me and once I figured that I had "had enough of this" I stopped and checked the box.

Go Navy Beat Army !

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