I got asked the question: What's a dry socket?
A dry socket (or localized alveolar ostieitis) is a fairy common complication associated with tooth extraction (usually lower teeth).
It occurs when the blood clot in the tooth extraction socket is lost and the bone and it's nerves are exposed to the oral cavity. Usually caused by birth control pills, smoking, drinking through a straw, heavy exercise right after surgery to name a few.
It becomes noticed by patients after about 4-5 days after the surgery. It is an empty socket with no blood clot in it. It can be confirmed by a dentist when he feels solid bone at the bottom of the socket with a probe or when water squirted into the socket causes pain.
treatment is a sedative dressing of iodophor gauze soaked in eugenol (oil of cloves) liquid. The gauze has iodine in it to sterilize the socket of bacteria and germs. The eugenol is soothing to the bone and provides pain relief. Usually a patient will feel better soon after the dressing is placed.
The dressing may be changed after two days in place or removed all together to let the healing of the socket begin.
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