A funny thing happened after washing the car... it rained! Doesn't that figure? Rain at the tail end of June is a rarity in Southern California. Sure it only spit a little on the windshield... but at least it was rain.
Remember... Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body- but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy s***...what a ride!" ----->Don't let your tombstone read: Died at 30- Buried at 80.
Although it doesn't have an "official name" Element 112 has been discovered. Ununbium... (which means 112 in latin?) it is a heavy metal that has a lifespan of about 30 seconds. How about calling it Matthewmium?
Ununbium (pronounced /juːˈnʌnbiəm/;[1] officially, it is a temporary IUPAC systematic element name for a chemical element in the periodic table that has the temporary symbol Uub and the atomic number 112.
Element 112 is the latest superheavy element to be officially recognised by IUPAC (see Official discovery). The most stable isotope discovered to date is 285112 with a half-life of ~30 s. In total, about 75 atoms of ununbium have been detected using various nuclear reactions.[3] An unconfirmed isotope, 285b112, has a possible half-life of ~9 minutes, and would be one of the longest-lived superheavy isotopes known to date.
Recent experiments strongly suggest that element 112 behaves as a typical member of group 12, demonstrating properties consistent with a volatile metal.