Its been in the 90s and 100s for the3 past few weeks... record temps. Does anyone really doubt that thew world is warmer today than it was fifty years ago?
I think that politically we feel it important to place the blame for the warmer temperatures on someone.... perhaps because most of our politicians are lawyers and that's the way they always think.
Perhaps everyone who drives a car, wants to be warmed in the winter or breathes air should admit that they are part of the problem. The pseudo intellectuals want to blame the coal and gas producers... but they use computers that use electricity and that comes from power plants that burn things to make electricity. They ride in planes and cars and eat fruit and veggies that get trucked or flown in from places far away from where they live. Seems we have lots of stone throwers when in fact we all live in the same glass houses. (its a metaphor - figure it out).
Time to quit quibbling about who is at fault and start getting solar, geothermal, wind power on line... with all that stimulus money.... oh I forgot we used it to pay the state politicians and governments. So much for the shovel ready bullshit projects we heard about and were promised. Republican or Democrat--- no one keeps their promises as they belly up to the pig's trough that is our Washington DC government.
Disappointed.... you bet. I didn't vote for Obama- but I like what he said about green energy and renewable energy... an empty promise. We are just as dependent as ever on foreign oil and dirty coal. Oil companies making record profits... gas prices at record levels. Unemployment over 9%.
Tee Party.. elected to go to Washington and get our fiscal problems under control. Instead we get bickering, inflation, high consumer prices, low wages and now a downgrade in our credit rating. I am fiscally responsible in my life and now I'm getting dragged down by the reckless spending of politicians over the last 50 years who haven't had the balls to control their spending appetites or the sense to keep their greedy hands off the money that has been collected from every working american that was earmarked for social security.
It's both parties... the Republicans for building up the huge military complex and giving tax breaks to billionaire (Actually JFK made a huge tax cut to them in the 60s---that's another story--- and it opened the floodgates to tax break after tax break). The Democrats have used every opportunity to legislate social programs and increased then bleed the coffers of our country to pay for it...always blaming the Republicans and trying to tax the successful and wealthy. Under the Democrats dollars are funneled from successful businesses and put into the pockets of the unsuccessful. Never have so few been asked to support so many. It's a messed up system.
Why can't we all just pay 10% in taxes across the board? Bobby Bricklayer and Monty Moneybags each contribute 10 cents of every buck they earn. Sally Saleslady and Kenny Computer programmer, Ned Newscaster and Debbie Doctor. Everyone tosses in 10%. Whether its an $8/ hr job or $60/hr. And that's it. Washington has to live within that budget... Why those sorry bastards aren't required to balance the budget is totally asinine.
As you can tell I am pretty sick of these supposedly intelligent politicians (most are lawyers, businessmen, doctors, etc) can act so irresponsibly is crazy. Turn them all out into the street. Let them join the unemployment lines that they have created.
The End- unedited.