Top Twelve "Big Picture" Things to Think About for 2006:
1. Avian Flu. Is the World Health Organization correct on it's pandemic predictions?
2. U.S. Spying? I can understand the paranoia about terrorist plots and agree that we need to know what the "bad guys" are planning. But where do you draw the line on "spying on your own citizens"... and... who decides who the bad guys are?
3. Green "hydrogen fuel cell" cars. Last year the talk was of Hydrogen fuel cells- well- I'm still excited. What's the progress and when will we start seeing these "H" cars on the road? That might be the biggest news... it would give us environmentally friendly cars --- and--- stop our dependence on foreign oil. Get with it--- we put a man on the moon and it only took a decade.
4. It's the economy stupid. Where is the housing market going and will we slip into a recession without Captain Greenspan at the helm?
5. What will happen in Iraq? I've heard that we'll be over there (militarily) in one form or another for 50 years. I'm concerned that some people just can't handle democracy and self-government and that perhaps it's the Iraqi people. Some people just need an iron-handed dictator! Seriously- they need to step up and take control of their own country (and I mean the good guys- not the insurgients!).
6. President Bush. Jeez he's been in the job for five full years... just how much more trouble can G.W. get into? Last year we had:
a. spying
b. flopped cabinet & supreme court appointments
c. Hurricane Katrina/FEMA problems
d. North Korea
e. Iraq
f. Tom Delay
g. Iran
h. Kyoto Accord failure
i. Scooter Libby, Carl Rove and Leaky Lips
j. ________________
What other crap can the President (with help from our left wing media) step into in 2006?
7. Global Warming. Fact: the earth is getting warmer. Fact: We burn fuels that put carbon in the air. FAct: CO2 holds in the heat and warms the earth. (I don't care if it's cow poop or burning coal- it is still warming the air). Why is that hard to understand? Sign the Kyoto Accord dammit--- and stick to it. All these huge companies are making huge money and polluting the air while doing it. They can still make money (okay- maybe a little less) and clean up the air. JUST DO IT-- now before it's too late.
8. Genetic engineering. Where is this technology going? Is it responsible for some of the weird diseases and things going on in the world? Not to go conspiracy theory on you but- I hope some mad scientist isn't trying to create a master race... ala Adolf Hitler.
9. Child Molestation and Child Rapists. If you follow the news this sort of shit pops up every day. It's usually some backwater scum from Florida or Alabama or some fruitcake weirdo from California... but it continues to happen throughout the U.S.A. Weak sentencing and "therapy" for these predators doesn't seem to be working. Don't treat it as a disease- treat it as the horrible crime that it is. Their behavior is something that we cannot tolerate as a society. There is a permanent solution. CASTRATION. We need to castrate these bastards so they can't molest and can't father any more children. The slogan could be: "No more Molesters- the World needs more Eunuchs."
10. Terrorist held in Cuba. We are going to have to decide what to do with these guys. Are they POWs? Are they Terrorists? Are they guys caught on the wrong side of the lines? We're going on three years for many of these guys held in captivity... DECIDE.
11. Future Energy Sources. Where is it going to come from in the future? Solar? Wind? Oil? Nuclear? Hydrogen? Keebler elves? Seems like some smart guys should be studying this and giving some recommendations. (BTW- it shouldn't be guys who are paid by the big oil companies).
12. World Wide Terrorism. This could have the biggest impact in 2006. Imagine if all the terrorists that are now bombing the citizens of Iraq were left to do their stuff in the rest of the world. The one thing they have in common besides a fanatical fundamentalist Muslim belief is that they absolutely HATE us (Westerners or in their vernacular- infidels) ! What happens if they decide to export their thinking overseas to America instead of keeping it "all in the family" over in Iraq? That's a scarey thought!
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