Saturday, November 11, 2006

Went to Knott's NaNo Slips

Mini-Me and Me enjoyed going to Knott's Berry Farm and riding the X-celerator and the Ghostrider. Went with two of Mini's pals and had a great time. Powered by cheese chili fries and coca-cola, we conquered all the rides (except the drop and curse) and left happy and tired at 10:30 p.m. They rode the Silver Bullett three times!

On a downer note I fell behind for the first time in my nanowrimo novel: Hidden Gold. To stay on pace for Friday the goal was 16,667 but my total stands at 15,273. Go, Go, Go! (or should it be write, write, write?) Don't worry- in the words of Dickens... I gonna catch up!

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