If I were the king of the world...
1- I'd get rid of those scratchy tags on the backs of shirts. Does it bother anyone else but me? Ouch!
2- I would make it mandatory that every America do three things: i-Speak English, ii-understand and follow baseball-- America's past time. iii- learn to use turn signals.
3- I would completely outlaw tobacco smoking... addiction or not. What a nasty, un-un-un- healthy and disgusting habit. Too many 'other' people have to pay for these idiots. And not only in $$$$ but in emotions for those idiot relatives we all have when they get old, cancer-infested and unable to breath without supplemental oxygen. It not only kills them but extracts a huge emotional toll on everyone they know. Seeing someone you know kill themselves one puff at a time and then watching them die from cancer is sickening. Also I'm tired of breathing in their polluted exhaust as second hand smoke! Who's with me?
4- I'd go completely away from fossil fuels. Mandate that in ten years no more gasoline powered cars would be allowed to be driven. Also no more gasoline could be produced. Without cars the oil could be used for heating fuel. Also I'd plant more forests- we need something to suck up and breathe our CO2 and then make oxygen for us to use. (Plants and people--- God's unique partnership for life). Also use the wood to make paper bags and thus eliminate that annoying 'paper or plastic' decision at the stores. What would I do about power? Safe nuclear or solar power...
5- I would require that all new homes have solar panel roof shingles added. Also any new or replacement roofs would be required to be solar. Soon all buildings would be solar energy producers. What a great idea! God gave us the sun for light and heat... let's use it... darn it!
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