Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Iraq War

Just a quick note regarding the ongoing war in Iraq.

You know I wasn't there when we had to occupy Germany and Japan after WW2. What was it like then? Did we get crapped on by the local population like we are in Baghdad? If so how did we handle it?

You know, America can't seem to ever learn from it's past. I won't debate the "should we have gone into Iraq"question. I've leave that to the liberal and conservative talking heads on the TV and radio. I'll just say this... now that we're there (and we've been there for four years) what the F--- are we doing to get the F--- out? I know that we're still in both Japan and Germany (since 1945) in some form or another and I know we're all friends now. But that took a heck of a long time.

I know we're still in South Korea... and Kuwait and probably a few other countries we've either helped or defeated. It seems that as American's, once we're into a country we just never leave! History backs me up on this point.

I think we need to show the Iraqi's and the world that we aim to go home when this job is done. But how can we 'prove it' to them when they look around and see Germany, Japan, Korea? I guess what I'm leading to is talk is cheap and until we actually walk the walk, and show the world that we aim to leave then they'll just figure we're going to stay. Was it really all about WMDs or was it about oil ($2.95/gal @ this writing)?

Getting back to my original thought... Didn't we face some of the same problems in Iraq that we faced over 60 years ago after WW2? I think we need to dust off the archives and see... what did the McArthur and Marshall do to quell the violence and restore order? How did they handle it when things got hairy and everyone was screaming? (I'll bet they kicked ass and took names so that everyone understood that's how it was going to be). I don't think we need to reinvent the wheel here. Go back to 1945-6 and pull out the blueprint for peace and use it.

Okay. Maybe things have changed a little bit since then, so adapt the plan that worked instead of flying by the seat of your frigging pants and making it up as you go along. I guess that's the biggest disappointment I have in 'W': the guy thinks like a cowboy- because he is a cowboy. He just handles things as they happen... no planning and no urgency.

Whew. Glad I got that off my chest!

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