Wednesday, March 12, 2008

is blogging R-E-A-L-L-Y writing?


For someone who wants to write everyday, is blogging considered writing?

I mean, are my sometimes mindless, sometimes witty words that are placed on the web considered serious writing? Friends of mine have put serious words into their blogs.... serious meaning they actually noveled (can/should 'novel' be used as a verb?- not according to spellcheck) into their blogs with mixed results. Putting down raw and unedited content can stimulate a writer to 'crank it out' and not worry about the minutia.

I personally tried it for a few entries a while back and initially enjoyed it. The idea of just letting the creative energy flow onto the screen was exhilarating. But as the 'little editor man' inside me screamed louder and louder- I relented and let him out. He began to sap my energy and writer's life force. Once I 'gave in' to him, I lost that drive to continue.

I've been able to silence the inner critic before... but only during NaNoWriMo. Even this blurb today has been checked over and re-written (hard to believe, huh?).

What do you readers think? Do you know of anyone who writes fiction and uses a blog as a media or tool for their work?

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