Why I Chose This Goal: After watching the movie "Super-Size Me" I saw how it ruined the guys health. He ate McDonald's fast food at every meal for 30 days and the serious damage it did to his body scared the crap out of me. Now I don't eat fast food every day or even every week... but a Big Mac every now and then wasn't so bad... was it? I wasn't addicted to it but... could I go 30 days without it?
What I Did: Starting on the 5th of June I avoided fast food restaurants and their food. We did it out a few times but if the place had a drive thru window or served burgers it was off limits. The list of forbidden places included: McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Taco Bell, In-n-out burger, Rubio's, etc. So after 30 days success. Did I lose any weight? You would have thought so but no- I'm about the same as I was. In the end it wasn't so bad. It was more of an inconvenience than a problem.
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