Remember... Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body- but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy s***...what a ride!" ----->Don't let your tombstone read: Died at 30- Buried at 80.
Monday, January 31, 2011
31- Goodbye January 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
30- Last Night's Dream
I dreamed I was on a vacation in a city and was taking a walking tour. Suddenly one of my teeth fell out and I spit it into my hand. As we went from site to site it kept happening. Some were just the crowns (like your baby teeth) others were whole teeth roots and all.
We stopped by a dentist's office and he immediately identified me as another dentist then he disappeared so I took one of his forceps and removed a few more loose ones. I recall feeling very embarrassed and smacking my lips together like an old man. There was little to no bleeding from this. I tried eating steak and for some reason it wasn't that hard to chew.
I googled the meaning of this dream and saw that there could be many different interpretations:
- loss of confidence
- loss of power
- loss of good looks
- aging
- portends the loss of a loved one
- death and famine in the world
- personal sickness
- financial reversal
- loss of good health
- loss of mental balance
Saturday, January 29, 2011
29- New Slideshow Software
Friday, January 28, 2011
28- Kudos and Classroom

Thursday, January 27, 2011
27- Happy 5th Anniversary Brad and Sandy
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
26- My Day
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
25- What's in a number?

Monday, January 24, 2011
24- Writers Group
Sunday, January 23, 2011
23- Clean Up!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
22- Workouts
Friday, January 21, 2011
21- Funeral for a Friend
Thursday, January 20, 2011
20- Polka

From the Wikipedia:
By 1835, this dance had spread to the ballrooms of Prague, where it was called Pulka for its quick 2/4 step. From there, it spread to Vienna by 1839 [4], and in 1840 was introduced in Paris by Raab, a Prague dance instructor.
Apparently, it was so well-received that it became a sort of dance craze, spreading across all of Europe, and to the US within a decade. It remained a dominantly popular dance in these areas until the 20th century, when it was displaced by ragtime jazz, and the dance crazes of the Roaring Twenties.
Polka did enjoy a resurgence in popularity after World War II, when many Polish refugees moved to the US, adopting this Bohemian style as a cultural dance. Polka dances are still held on a weekly basis across many parts of the US with Central European heritage."
Question of the day... can you polka?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
19- Connecting
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
18- Favorite Teams
Monday, January 17, 2011
17- Back to School
Sunday, January 16, 2011
16- Walk the Dog
15- Sleeping In?
Well I slept in and got to the meeting late... I was still there before most of th group but I wanted to get some writing done and it didn't happen. Also wanted to walk the dog and that didn't happen either.
But the sleeping in part was great. I mean waking up to the sunshine was very good. No startling myself awake with an alarm clock. If it weren't for having to go to work I think I could make a habit of sleeping in until the sun woke me up every day.
How about you? Are you a slave to your alarm clock? Did you take the chance to sleep in this weekend?
Friday, January 14, 2011
14- Hot-hot-hot

While the majority of the country is busy digging out from the snow or shivering in cold I have a smile on my face. The weather report for today is warm and sunny with temperatures rising to near eighty at our house.
Pull out the shorts and t-shirts.
We had been limping along with wet and cool weather since October in one of the coolest year's in San Diego history. I won't complain- it was actually a little nice to have a summer that wasn't so unbearably hot. We don't live along the coastline but about 7 miles inland and it's more of a desert climate than the coastal climate you see announced on the TV weather reports.
13- New Computer
GMO hooked it all up and loaded some freeware on it to get it going:
Avast vice Norton Antivirus and Open Office vice Microsoft Office to name a few.
I downloaded I-tunes and will copy my music over tomorrow... along with my documents and other essential programs.
I must say that so far I have been impressed with Windows 7--- it seems like Microsoft got it right.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
12- Happy Birthday to my Dad

Today is my father's 81st birthday. Happy birthday pops!
Imagine how things have changed since he was born... air travel, radio, television, man on the moon, the Internet... Facebook!
In 1930 Herbert Hoover was the President, astronomers discovered Pluto, the best movie was "All Quiet on the Western Front", gasoline was priced at 17 cents a gallon and unemployment was 8.9%.
Today: Barrack Obama is President, Pluto got demoted from being a planet, the best movie in 2009 was "Slumdog Millionaire" , gasoline is over $3.00 a gallon and unemployment is over 9%.
Is that progress? you tell me!
A warm California Happy Birthday sent out to Snowy Michigan... we love you Dad.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
11- Trying to hold off a cold

We've all been there. It starts off as a scratchy throat or maybe a tickle and then a cough. I started noticing it on Monday afternoon. I got that little cough... not really a cold... I thought it might be an allergy cough so I turned on the air cleaner and it got worse. I woke up at 2:30 am with a cough and a scratch in my throat.
I was going to try and hold this off... dammit!
I took some Emergen-C in a large glass of water. I noticed that it was pretty cold in the house so I put on a long sleeve sweatshirt and a beanie for my head, bundled up and went back to sleep.
Waking up it was still there. I didn't sleep well so I was slow to get out of bed- but sucked it up and trudged off to work. The morning was rough. I popped a Motrin after I noticed I was feeling as little warm... and the cough still was there. I napped for a 1/2 hour over lunch and although rested, I felt a little sluggish. I sucked on cough drops all afternoon... thank goodness for Hall's.
After getting home, I ate a small meal and then took some more Emergen-C. The nose has started to get stuffy, eyes are burning and I'm tired... oh hell let's just admit it... I've got a cold.
By the end of the tomorrow I'm going to officially be... SICK.
Monday, January 10, 2011
10- Off Day (update v3)
1- take out the trash..............done
2- Mail boxes........................done
3- Get the van smogged..............................done
----------3a. register van.............................done
4- put the Christmas gear up in the attic..........done
5- vacuum the house... not going to happen
6- Set up the new computer... sometime after 9pm
7- Workout........outlook not so good
8- trim the front bushes... postponed
----------8a. clean out closet.......done
----------8b. clean out medicine cabinet.......done
----------8c. clean out under bathroom sink.....done
9- take old books to the Salvation Army.............closed for donations.... postponed
10- Laundry (one load)..........done
11- Dinner......... cooking now.... done
Q: I wonder how much will get done?
A: so far (v2) it's a RED LETTER DAY
Sunday, January 9, 2011
9- Amazon Buy Back Program

I got an e-mail from Amazon announcing that they will buy back used books. Here it is:
Dear Customer,
Customers who purchased books from may be interested in an easy way to get great prices for used titles through our Book Buyback Store.
So I took them up on that offer. I went to their site, clicked on:
shop books
then textbooks
then textbook buyback.
then I entered my books on the search line. they accepted 15 of our books and they'll send me $52 gift card and pay the shipping. These were books that were already in the "Donate to Salvation Army" box.
I had other books that they would not buy back. Either very popular one's or very old ones. This looks like a win-win deal for everyone. I guess I could have maybe gotten more for these if I were to have sold them on either e-bay or but this worked out as a good, no hassles, ship-it-once deal. I guess the others will still get trucked down to the Salvation Army store to be sold to someone else and enjoyed.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
8- Tum Ta Tum Tum...

I'm sitting here looking at a bottle of Tums. These are antacids for your for your stomach. We don't use these much but like to keep a small bottle in the house for the occasional heartburn. We picked up some new ones and out of curiosity I decided to read the label.
The Active ingredient is Calcium carbonate.750 mg worth. In active ingredients include: Sucrose (sugar) corn starch, talc, mineral oil, artificial flavors (and colors) and sodium polyphosphate.
Take 2-4 tablets as symptoms occur... but not more than 10 tablets over 24 hours.
In addition to using it as an antacid you can chew two tablets a day (with a meal) as a daily source of supplemental calcium. Each tablet contains 5 calories (from the 2 grams of sugar) and 30% of your RDA of calcium.
Friday, January 7, 2011
7- Getting Ahead
Today was ortho day today. A visiting orthodontist stops by and gives consultations on cases we need an opinion on. It was like a blitzkrieg event. Four rooms and walking the circuit until all 50 or so are seen. I learned a couple of things:
1- In a crowded, mixed dentition it is never too early to extract deciduous upper cuspids and first molars. In nearly every crowded mouth, that was the recommendation.
2- Most parents would like orthodontics to be done for free. Small revelation there. Its interesting to note that through the ages the cost of two years of braces equals out to the cost of a decent used car. That was $1,500 back in the eighties and$6,000 now-a-days.
3- If I think the case is complicated- the orthodontist does, too. (that actually made me feel good).
Ortho day ended at 1100 am so I had a choice to make... do I go home relax for a bit until leaving for a 3pm Scrivener tutorial or get-r-done. My choice git-r-done. So I headed off to MCAS Miramar, cashed my paycheck and went grocery shopping at the commissary. Yes it was crowded with slower moving retiree's than me but an hour and a half and $225 later it was mission accomplished .
So I sit here looking at the clock... (its not even 2 pm) with a smile of satisfaction on my face.... oh and my greatcourses DVDs arrived this afternoon.
Yesterday was a winner, too. Last evening I wrote and posted a short story online with WVU (writers village university). Then when g-man came home from work we used the bowflex and got in another strong workout... which I am pretty sore from again today. But thanks to a patient of mine (a fitness instructor and trainer) I have a new way to stretch out my muscles so they aren't so stiff and sore.
Three important facts:
1- cardio exercises are recommended to be done 4 times a week.
2- weight training is recommended three times a week.
3- stretching (15-20 minutes) is recommended SEVEN times a week.
So keep on stretching.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
6- Cat Treats
The two boys just love their cat treats. In the morning when I wake up and head to the office to check email and the news there they are. As I fire up the CPU they sit patiently, looking me in the eye and "demanding " their cat treats. What had started off like a nice gesture on my part has turned into an expected ritual on theirs. They gotta have these and meow until I deliver two to each of them.
So what's in a Pounce Caribbean Catch Tuna flavored cat treat?
Wheat Flour
Animal Digest
Corn Gluten Meal
Water for processing
Chicken Byproduct meal
Torula dried yeast
Dried egg product
calcium sulfate
Animal fat
fish protein concentrate
soy protein concentrate
potassium chloride
phosphoric acid
dried cheese product
sorbic acid
natural flavor
fish oil
guar gum
titanium dioxide
soybean flour
red, yellow and blue dyes
I don't know what they see that's so good in these things... but I think I'll stick to oatmeal!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
5- Falling to Pieces
Take for instance the principal at my son's school. BMO graduates this spring and therefore the school put out a "mandatory registration" for all seniors and their parents... M-A-N-D-A-T-O-R-Y... meaning it's so important you HAVE TO BE THERE... but while we waited in the hundred person line for a half hour another parent came up to us and asked "why are you waiting in this line?"

It seems they found the school pencil neck who organized this event and found that it wasn't as "mandatory" as everyone was lead to believe. They just wanted to make sure everyone turned in their cap and gown measurements and deposits in a reasonable amount of time and that meant taking the filled out forms to school and turning them in. "you really don't haaaaave to be here". So in order to get the stupid parents knocked into line- they lied to everyone else. How about letting parents take some personal responsibility? We are, in fact, considered adults you know!!!
So the event organizer decided for me that I should spend two hours in the gym that night- but thanks to another concerned parent my "wasted time" was only 60 minutes (30 in line and 15 each way on the drive). But we had to fill in the forms at home. So of my 3 hours of free time they stole nearly a third of it.
So my day after working all day, going to school, cooking dinner , filling out forms, doing laundry, un-decorating the Christmas tree, fooling with the circuit breakers (power blew out from the dryer), yada, yada, yada... I have from 830-1000 pm to catch up on email, pay bills, write this blog, etc.
Now that it's 935 pm that leaves only 35 more minutes so good night!
And yes this will be my last post on the way I spend my 24 hours... or should I say "how others require me to spend my 24 hours".
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
4- My Five Biggest Time Hogs
Monday, January 3, 2011
3- Things I'll Do Less Of
1- Eat less food. It's interesting to see the difference between how much food we need and how much we actually eat. I guess that difference is called weight gain. I plan to eat less and the only way to do this is to watch what goes in. I've begun to notice calorie counts on food packaging... and it's amazing to see just how much punch gets packed into those bite sized treats. Here's a good site for those who are going to be more health conscious this coming year.
2- Eat less meat. Don't worry all these won't be about eating. But I've always thought that eating more vegetables and less meat is a good thing. Go here for Meatless Monday. This should be easy to do but in reality it's going to be hard. Especially when going out to eat. The vegetarian selection at most restaurants is usually rather thin.
3- Watch less television. The eternal time waster- the boob tube. I'd like eliminate the senseless watching in the evening to put that time to better use. I want to watch less news... seems that it's mostly bad news and usually irritating and upsetting. Non-stop news shows like CNN, ESPN and Fox serve up the same stuff hour after hour. I mean to stop watching the opinion shows that only serve to rile me up ... like the O'Reilly Factor, etc. Letting a TV show screw up your insides doesn't seem very productive.
4- Drive the car less. Try to consolidate trips a little better. That's the big thing. Walk to the store when possible. Maybe put off a trip downtown. Saving gas, saving money and polluting less.
5- Procrastinate less... I guess this also translates into "do things now". So with that I'll get on with my day.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2- Five Things I Will Do More Of
1- Exercise. I am an avid walker. On the days I am not working I take the dog for a 3.25 mile walk that usually takes a little over an hour. So I will try to do more of that along with using that expensive clothing rack called a bowflex. The G-man and I began in earnest yesterday and both of us found it a good workout.
2- Learning. When I was in school I couldn't wait to get out of school. Now as an adult things are different. There are so many things in the world to learn about and know. I routinely google things or words I don't know... probably from that old adage that teachers and parents give kids to "go look it up". In addition to that I went to and signed up for the a DVD course called "The Foundations of Western Civilization" that includes 48 lectures of 30 minutes each.
3- Reading. I have always enjoyed a good book and you can see what I am reading if you go to and become a member. It's a great way to track your reading and get recommendations from others. The five books I plan to concentrate on this year are:
a. The Holy Bible. I purchased the Quest study bible (NIV) which includes commentary, maps and timelines in addition to the sacred text.
b. The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman (A writers guide to staying out of the rejection pile)
c. The Weekend Novelist by Robert J. Ray (52 week program to produce a finished novel)
d. The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick by Gene Stone
e. Absolute Power by David Baldacci
4- Writing. I intend to write everyday (hence this blog). I also have a few good ideas for a novel and will work toward the goal of a polished and complete novel by December 31. I am taking an online writing course beginning on Jan 5th at
5- Focus on what's important. I'll try to use a critical eye and identify what's more important (God, family, friends, health, country, hobbies, etc) and what isn't (TV, busy work, things, etc). Hopefully I can make wiser choices this coming year.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
1- Happy New Year to All

At our house we're tossing 2010 out on it's butt (good riddance) and welcoming 2011 in with open arms. 2010 was a roller coaster ride for a full 365 days. The family saw ups and downs job losses and new job opportunities. Graduations, broken engagements and varsity letters. Winning matches, drilled teeth, military duties, reserve mobilization orders and fun travels.
We're hoping that with the new year will come new opportunities and prosperity. We did our part for the country by buying American made stuff at every opportunity. We supported local business, conserved fuel/energy and did the 3 R's (reduce, reuse and recycle) to help old Mr. Planet.
Sitting here and looking forward I hope that our leaders (the movers and shakers who call the shots around the world and in Washington) can learn to "play well together". That's the term kindergarten teachers use to describe how well kids get along together.
You guys know who you are: Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Russia, Israel, etc... and you too President Obama, Mr. Reid, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Boehner... Let's get along better shall we? Let's see a little more compromise and a lot more of putting the tax paying American people first- okay? A little less "me" and a lot more "us". Doing the right thing is more important than worrying about re-election.
Hopefully they can all put their party, personal and petty differences aside and work together for a better America and a safer world.
So let's give a round of applause in advance for the accomplishments in 2011:
1- Peace in the Middle East (and a safe return of our troops).
2- Putting enough food on everyone's table around the world. (Obesity problem in USA and starvation in Africa--- hmmmm can't we balance this out?)
3- The end to the "Great Recession" and increased employment (build American- buy American?)
4- Nuclear and solar power to supply our energy needs
5- Electric cars to end our dependence on expensive, polluting oil (Hydrogen fuel cells aren't the answer)
If only we can make serious progress on these items!
Happy New Year and God Bless America.
Blog Archive
- 31- Goodbye January 2011
- 30- Last Night's Dream
- 29- New Slideshow Software
- 28- Kudos and Classroom
- 27- Happy 5th Anniversary Brad and Sandy
- 26- My Day
- 25- What's in a number?
- 24- Writers Group
- 23- Clean Up!
- 22- Workouts
- 21- Funeral for a Friend
- 20- Polka
- 19- Connecting
- 18- Favorite Teams
- 17- Back to School
- 16- Walk the Dog
- 15- Sleeping In?
- 14- Hot-hot-hot
- 13- New Computer
- 12- Happy Birthday to my Dad
- 11- Trying to hold off a cold
- 10- Off Day (update v3)
- 9- Amazon Buy Back Program
- 8- Tum Ta Tum Tum...
- 7- Getting Ahead
- 6- Cat Treats
- 5- Falling to Pieces
- 4- My Five Biggest Time Hogs
- 3- Things I'll Do Less Of
- 2- Five Things I Will Do More Of
- 1- Happy New Year to All