We've all been there. It starts off as a scratchy throat or maybe a tickle and then a cough. I started noticing it on Monday afternoon. I got that little cough... not really a cold... I thought it might be an allergy cough so I turned on the air cleaner and it got worse. I woke up at 2:30 am with a cough and a scratch in my throat.
I was going to try and hold this off... dammit!
I took some Emergen-C in a large glass of water. I noticed that it was pretty cold in the house so I put on a long sleeve sweatshirt and a beanie for my head, bundled up and went back to sleep.
Waking up it was still there. I didn't sleep well so I was slow to get out of bed- but sucked it up and trudged off to work. The morning was rough. I popped a Motrin after I noticed I was feeling as little warm... and the cough still was there. I napped for a 1/2 hour over lunch and although rested, I felt a little sluggish. I sucked on cough drops all afternoon... thank goodness for Hall's.
After getting home, I ate a small meal and then took some more Emergen-C. The nose has started to get stuffy, eyes are burning and I'm tired... oh hell let's just admit it... I've got a cold.
By the end of the tomorrow I'm going to officially be... SICK.
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