Where did all of these modern day seers, prophets, psychics and predictors come from all of a sudden? I mean we have been bombarded in the media about stuff from Nostradamus, The Mayan Calendar, Bible, earthquake experts, global warming alarmists, economists, etc, etc, etc. All predicting nothing but doom and gloom for our foreseeable future. What's up with that?
I remember all the talk and worry about the year 2000. The world was going to end. All computers and technology would cease to exist. Nothing happened.
Today it's radiation from Japan, massive earthquakes, global warming, war in the Mideast... ohhh and let's not forget global terrorism, the strip searches at our airports, fluoride in the water, genetically modified food, energy shortages, budget deficits, and... oh my God does it ever stop ??? THank you headline news and 24 hour reporting !!!
I don't remember hearing all this stuff before the year 2000... but now it is running rampant throughout our media and society. Almost like the media is trying to keep us in a continuous state of stress and encourages us to always be on edge. Be alert they scream with nearly every headline.
Why the sudden increase in all these dire prognostications? I now understand all those comics with the bearded and robed prophet that always carried that sign. Perhaps it's in our nature to be constantly worrying about the future.
I just don't get it.
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