You know.... I'm a pretty lucky guy. With getting too personal, I'll relate how lucky I'v e been all my life. I was lucky enough to be born in America. When I was two days old they found I had a blockage in my intestines. In nearly every other country I wold have died. But here in the USA I was lucky to have the surgeons and the surgical equipment to survive a surgery to remove the twelve inch piece of bad parts.
So I'm lucky to just be alive... I truly believe that every minute past my first two days is bonus time.
I was lucky enough to have a kindergarten teacher who took the time to encourage me to use all my intelligence and skill. She looked at my hands and said I would either be a great musician (pianist) or a surgeon. I played saxophone in both high school and college and won blue ribbons at the state competitions. I became a dentist and use my hands to perform delicate surgeries, fillings and dental procedures everyday.
I was lucky enough to chose to serve my country in the military for 21 years. I was lucky enough not to get wounded or hurt in an armed conflict. I was lucky enough to get promoted and retire as a Commander. I have been lucky to enjoy good health and a moderate level of prosperity... my family has a home over our heads and food on the table.
But my greatest fortune has been my family and friends. I was lucky enough to convince a beautiful wife to marry me when she could have had her pick of nearly any guy in town. We've been lucky enough to be married for 26 years and counting. We've also been lucky enough to have three great children- two who have gone to college and gone on to establish themselves in their fields of study with good jobs- with the third heading to college next Fall.
Yes. I've been lucky but I must also consider the fact that I've been blessed. God must be shining on me and my family to provide for the good fortune and luck that I have enjoyed. Praise the Lord. I've enjoyed a career in the military that has involved worldwide travel and upon retiring I literally fell into two jobs directly due to my friends. Thank you both Margie and Christopher.
The friends I have made over the years have supported me with their friendship and love. It seems that the assortment of pals and friends have given me as much happiness as my parents, wife and children. I've been lucky throughout my life... and I thank God for my good luck.
I guess that old phrase of "It's better to be lucky than good" is true and it applies to my life everyday.
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