I am trying out this new health techno piece of gear. Its called fit bit and it's a pretty nifty little gadget. It tracks your mileage walked (or run), number of steps (10,000 a day for good health), estimated calories burned.... pretty much it's a high tech pedometer. What sets it apart is that it uploads to your CPU when you are within 15 feet of it and you can track and compare your level of activity. Give the website a look if you are interested.
But what REALLY SETS IT APART... is that it can track your sleep activity. Are you restless, constantly waking with every noise or getting up in the middle of the night? This gadget will tell you how often and what it is costing you in lsot sleep. Here's an example. Last night I went to bed at 1000 pm, while watching TV but took nearly 1.5 hours to finally doze off. I woke 7 times and even though I was in bed for 7h 49m I only "slept" for 4h and 12m... and you know what? It felt like it, too. I woke up tired and frankly didn't feel rested. Now I "know" why. It's been hot and muggy even with the A/C running. It made for lousy sleeping weather.
Again, here's the website: fitbit
It's $97.95 from Amazon.com if you're interested. A little pricey I know, but I have been concerned with my sleep habits for the past 2-3 months and I want to see if I can improve them. The fitbit does two things I am interested in so its a 2fer!
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