Monday, February 12, 2007

Marty gets the Ziggy

Well it's true. After losing their two coordinators and two other assistants, the Chargers fired Marty Schottenheimer. Marty had spurned San Diego's offer of a one year extension, three days after his teams unexpected exit from the playoffs. In essense he was gonig into the 2007 season as a lame duck. With only a patchwork coaching staff, it would have been all Marty in the conig season. That was something GM A.J. Smith and owner Dean Spanos weren't ready to accpet.

Here are my other four items for today.

2. Bill and I went to the zoo. It really impressed the man from Ashland. "that's the best zoo I've ever seen," said the Wisconsin native.

3. It's time for Spring Training!

4. The wine is still bub, bub, bubbling. Iwill check the PA tomorrow night and see if it is ready to rack into the secondary fermentor.

5. If anyone would like to contribute empty wine bottles please let me know! We'll need some.

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