Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Toot- Toot... End of the Month

Well February has come to an end. Here's five things about my life you can chew on:

1- Well Winemaking has rocketed into high gear. To date we have the following eleven wines in production:
-Blueberry- 1 gal
-Raspberry- 1 gal
-Raspberry/blueberry- 1 gal
-Mint- 1 gal
-Spiced Apple Cider- 1 gal
-Blackberry- 1 gal
-Pineapple- 1 gal
-Welch's Grape- 5 gal
-Boysenberry- 1 gal
-Ginger Peach- 1 gal
-Vanilla Cherry Pie- 1 gal

2- I'll be working 12.5 days next month.

3- Got a chance to go to the PB Bar & Grill to see some old friends from the Navy last night.

4- Looking at laminate and engineered floors. Cost looks like it's $6 a square foot (labor included) plus underlayment and finishing costs. For an estimated 700 sq ft that's $4200.00 and that doesn't include the stairs and the bannister. (Guess I'm glad I'm working those extra days).

5- Final tape off for the Bathroom begins tonight.

Bonus: KAO is getting a $$$ promotion to Alameda, CA. It's not perfect but at least we'll live in the same friggin' state.

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