Sunday, December 17, 2006

Big Charger Win !

Here's my five things:
1- Chargers beat the stinking Chiefs 20-9. LT does it all- again. 199 yards and 2 TDs.
2- Got a lot done around the home front this week. Painted GMO's old room. Moved the bookcases and all the books downstairs. Moved two chairs into the new 'library'. Vacuumed, mopped and cleaned until I cried. Did five loads of laundry, cooked three meals. Sorted old notes and cleaned out a mess of junk. I'm whipped.
3- We got rain this week. For a solid day, we enjoyed some deep soaking rain... Whoops better go turn off the sprinkklers now!
4- We have been big conservers on energy last month. We were down 32% this years vice last year for the month of November.
5- Went for a long ride in the 108 horse closed sleigh to see the Christmas lights. Powered by hot chocolate, we went to Candy Cane Court and all around Poway and CMR.

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