Here's my Five Things:
1- Uncle Sam came through on his part of the bargain with my first retirement check. I saluted the little Navy man as he dropped the money off and I said, "see you next month?" and he smiled, returned my salute and said, "aye, aye, Sir." Somehow all those endless weeks and months at sea don't seem quite so bad.
2- Brandon brought home a good report card. Aaq a bonus we'll be meeting family from out of town for dinner tonight.
3- I hung up all the outside lights for this year. I just pushed the EASY BUTTON... and ... "That was easy!"
4- Navy beat Army 26-14 and UCLA leads #2 USC 13-9 with 5:52 to go. Go Bruins!
5- I finished the Christmas card letter and it was a poem this year. Here it is:
It was a good year- I am happy to say,
I’ll hope to inform you in a very nice way.
We’re all doing well- our health is quite good,
We’re all exercising and eating right- like we should.
Gary our eldest is doing quite well,
He makes us the proudest we’re happy to tell.
A senior at college, learning many new things,
Computer programs, mathematics and about Saturn’s rings.
He’s studying hard and working a ton,
Part time at Circuit City and having some fun.
Living in an apartment is something quite new,
Cooking and cleaning to name just a few.
A new high school grad was our Erin in June,
She finished her studies and shot for the moon.
She successfully navigated the educational maze,
Graduating from Poway High School- with all grades as A’s.
This Spring we received some very good news,
She soon would be wearing UCLA’s true blues.
She is studying hard in her dormitory halls,
And spending her weekends watching Rose Bowl footballs.
Brandon is growing up tall- like a tree,
He no longer looks like a mini version of me.
Taller than Karen he smiles at the thought,
At thirteen with bruises his skateboard has wrought.
With Karen in D.C. we should all sleep quite sound,
We’re safe from the terrorist threats that abound.
Protecting us from dangers- both old and new,
Concentrating on stopping the nasty Bird Flu.
As for me I’ve retired from Navy employ,
No more commuting for hours- Oh, what a joy!
I’ll still be a dentist, of that I won’t tire,
I’m out there in Poway, tooth-fixer for hire.
From our family to yours I hope to convey,
The happiest, most merriest and blessed Christmas Day,
To bring us new life- Christ was born on this day,
So we’ll wish you the best in our own special way.
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