Saturday, December 9, 2006

It's raining again!

My Five Things

1. Winter has arrived! Mini-me and I were out drinking hot chocolate and viewing the Chrismas lights and a winter began to fall. It feels good to finally be getting a little rain after so many months of dryness.

2. On a sad note, our neighbors dog started seizing and had to be put down. He wasn't that old and I know that I'll miss him. He was a very friendly and good dog.

3. Went out to dinner for the office Christmas Party at the RB Inn. Wow- what a nice place. It was the first time I'd been there and it was great. It was a good evenbing with good friends and co-workers. The boss really does it right!

4. I have been invited to join a writer's group that meets monthly. I'm definitely going to consider it. A writer's group and it's critical eye would be an excellent way to take my writing to the next level.

5. Chargers play tomorrow at home versus Denver. Go Bolts.

Bonus. I am beginning to consider our 25th anniversary and want to save up for a three week Rick Steves Euro Trip in 2007 (we'll both be 50 and it will be our 25th anniversary).

here's the link:

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