According to 'THE BABYCENTER" the top names for babies in 2007...
Top 10 Girl Names
Top 10 Boy Names
article link:>1=10715
Remember... Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body- but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy s***...what a ride!" ----->Don't let your tombstone read: Died at 30- Buried at 80.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Reaching "the end"
Fine', the end, completo. After 59,996 words I wrote "the end" to my novel. On schedule and now ready for editing and re-write.
A rough draft. It's a rough draft= a lot rougher than I thought it would be. The story line evolved and changed along the way and frankly it wasn't everything I thought it would be... expect for the most important one... it is done.
Now it's on to the finish line for a round of edits and cleanup with ywriter4.
Ohhh, Happy New Year BTW!
A rough draft. It's a rough draft= a lot rougher than I thought it would be. The story line evolved and changed along the way and frankly it wasn't everything I thought it would be... expect for the most important one... it is done.
Now it's on to the finish line for a round of edits and cleanup with ywriter4.
Ohhh, Happy New Year BTW!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Word Count = 58,178
Stil typing and wanting to be finished by December 20th. About three-four chapters to go.
17-0... Perfect... 1972 Miami Dolphins

Here they are: the only undefeated NFL champion... the 1972 Miami Dolphins. The New England Patriots this year (2007) are playing fine football and are 12-0 so far. They play the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Many, me included, liken the Patriots to the "Empire" from Star Wars. Who roots for Darth Vader anyways? Bill Bellichick and his boys are taking the league by storm (troopers) and only time will tell if they will join (or surpass) the 1972 Dolphins.
If the Patriots do lose, then the Dolphin players will gather with their old coach (Don Shula) and toast their perfect 1972 season as they do each year when the last undefeated team gets beaten. They toast the fact that they are the O-N-L-Y team to have a perfect record.
Will 2007 allow the Patriots to join the Dolphins on the "perfect" list? Stay tuned.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
55,374 words... still clicking away.
Well they're all in the casino and soon all the action will hit the fan.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Character Sketch #1
71% completed:
Nano Word Count is 53,038 of a projected 75,000.
Drunk Santa Claus
Physical traits:
From a distance he is five foot, five inches about 150 pounds. A stocky gentleman in decent enough shape. He struts around with a slight limp on his right leg. Stands straight and points accusingly at people with his round little pot belly. About sixty years old with thinning white hair and a full beard. All as white as snow. He wears his hair in a mullet... all business up front- all party in the back. The top of his head is covered by a meticulously flattened and combed fuller brush. Sort of in the shape of a ladies Japanese fan. IT is in sharp contrast to his zebra striped uniform, black pants and highly polished black shoes.
From a distance his actions while refereeing the wrestling match look scripted. He takes chopping, measured steps as he circles the contestants. Like a peacock on display. Crisp and flamboyant hand motions signal changes in the score. He beeps his whistle and positions the wrestlers. He acts as though he is the star in a motion picture, prancing to the action, flopping to the mat to eyeball the pin. Baaaaaam. He slaps the ground and signals a pin and the end of the match. The wrestlers shake hands and Santa raises the winners arm with a flourish.
I moved closer to the action and notice his eyes. Close up he looks ancient. His bloodshot blue eyes are rimmed by red eyelids. The broken blood vessels on his nose hint at his alcohol problem. As the day drags on and he is given a match off he slips away and goes to his car. A little nip of Jim Beam buoys his spirits. I drift away and watch my son wrestle his bout.
Some time later, Santa returns from his tour at the second gym and saunters back into the main arena. His gait is wobbly, and he catches himself by grabbing on to a folding chair to keep from falling. Santa quickly looks around, sees our stares and steadies himself. Puffing out his chest, his pot belly points accusingly at us. He regains his composure and prances gingerly with a little skipping motion over to the scorers table ready for another bout. My son and I watch this. I ask him what he thinks.
"That's drunk Santa," he declares. I agree that he does look like Santa Claus. "We saw him run into the wall. He bounced off the wall in the other gym and he almost knocked himself out." He acts out how the man ran into the wall.
"He's pretty cool in a funny way." Hmmmm. I think...pretty funny.
I look closer at the man... this drunken Santa. Who is he? What's his story. I sit down and let my imagination go. So here it is:
A Viet Nam vet who returned to the U.S.A. at age nineteen to finish out his military hitch. Raised in Wisconsin, he had never seen such a town like sleepy little San Diego circa 1968. When released from service he stayed and took a job at McDonald Douglas. Good pay, good benefits... enough for a place down in Pacific Beach where he still lives. He learned to surf and all was good except for the night terrors that still haunted him today. At first a little dope, a little booze anything to make to stop--- but nothing does. Over the years a little turned into a lot. He has fewer and fewer friends- no family- until he's all alone. He drinks more and more: not because he wanted to- but because he had to.
Yes he's an old surfer dude. He had totally changed his image from Midwestern farm boy to California surfer. Back then he had lot's of bucks and life was good. He drove a 1966 red Ford Mustang convertible with a sparkling white top.
Why does he limp? Was he injured in 'Nam? Hurt at work, bitten a shark? No. He limps to imitate John Wayne's walk. He imagines that he is John Wayne... the hero... walking across the plain after stopping the villains. He struts around the ring- his white hair flowing behind him. Dipping his shoulder and pointing to the scorekeeper. Tweet- he cautions a kid and takes away a point. He's in charge- fierce blue eyes sternly demanding to be listened too- even as he sways unevenly in the center of the ring.
Hard to take him serious when he reeks of booze and is wobbling and bouncing off the walls- but in the ring he's in charge and calls the shots. There's no Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho mirth in his eyes now.
When the final matches are over and after the scorecards are signed, the referees leave the building. Most are greeted by their families and drive away. Not Santa. He walks into the darkness alone and hops into his faded red 1966 Mustang convertible with the ragged white top. He slips behind the wheel and after another sip of liquid friendship, he starts the engine and heads home leaving behind a blue cloud of smoke.
Nano Word Count is 53,038 of a projected 75,000.
Drunk Santa Claus
Physical traits:
From a distance he is five foot, five inches about 150 pounds. A stocky gentleman in decent enough shape. He struts around with a slight limp on his right leg. Stands straight and points accusingly at people with his round little pot belly. About sixty years old with thinning white hair and a full beard. All as white as snow. He wears his hair in a mullet... all business up front- all party in the back. The top of his head is covered by a meticulously flattened and combed fuller brush. Sort of in the shape of a ladies Japanese fan. IT is in sharp contrast to his zebra striped uniform, black pants and highly polished black shoes.
From a distance his actions while refereeing the wrestling match look scripted. He takes chopping, measured steps as he circles the contestants. Like a peacock on display. Crisp and flamboyant hand motions signal changes in the score. He beeps his whistle and positions the wrestlers. He acts as though he is the star in a motion picture, prancing to the action, flopping to the mat to eyeball the pin. Baaaaaam. He slaps the ground and signals a pin and the end of the match. The wrestlers shake hands and Santa raises the winners arm with a flourish.
I moved closer to the action and notice his eyes. Close up he looks ancient. His bloodshot blue eyes are rimmed by red eyelids. The broken blood vessels on his nose hint at his alcohol problem. As the day drags on and he is given a match off he slips away and goes to his car. A little nip of Jim Beam buoys his spirits. I drift away and watch my son wrestle his bout.
Some time later, Santa returns from his tour at the second gym and saunters back into the main arena. His gait is wobbly, and he catches himself by grabbing on to a folding chair to keep from falling. Santa quickly looks around, sees our stares and steadies himself. Puffing out his chest, his pot belly points accusingly at us. He regains his composure and prances gingerly with a little skipping motion over to the scorers table ready for another bout. My son and I watch this. I ask him what he thinks.
"That's drunk Santa," he declares. I agree that he does look like Santa Claus. "We saw him run into the wall. He bounced off the wall in the other gym and he almost knocked himself out." He acts out how the man ran into the wall.
"He's pretty cool in a funny way." Hmmmm. I think...pretty funny.
I look closer at the man... this drunken Santa. Who is he? What's his story. I sit down and let my imagination go. So here it is:
A Viet Nam vet who returned to the U.S.A. at age nineteen to finish out his military hitch. Raised in Wisconsin, he had never seen such a town like sleepy little San Diego circa 1968. When released from service he stayed and took a job at McDonald Douglas. Good pay, good benefits... enough for a place down in Pacific Beach where he still lives. He learned to surf and all was good except for the night terrors that still haunted him today. At first a little dope, a little booze anything to make to stop--- but nothing does. Over the years a little turned into a lot. He has fewer and fewer friends- no family- until he's all alone. He drinks more and more: not because he wanted to- but because he had to.
Yes he's an old surfer dude. He had totally changed his image from Midwestern farm boy to California surfer. Back then he had lot's of bucks and life was good. He drove a 1966 red Ford Mustang convertible with a sparkling white top.
Why does he limp? Was he injured in 'Nam? Hurt at work, bitten a shark? No. He limps to imitate John Wayne's walk. He imagines that he is John Wayne... the hero... walking across the plain after stopping the villains. He struts around the ring- his white hair flowing behind him. Dipping his shoulder and pointing to the scorekeeper. Tweet- he cautions a kid and takes away a point. He's in charge- fierce blue eyes sternly demanding to be listened too- even as he sways unevenly in the center of the ring.
Hard to take him serious when he reeks of booze and is wobbling and bouncing off the walls- but in the ring he's in charge and calls the shots. There's no Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho mirth in his eyes now.
When the final matches are over and after the scorecards are signed, the referees leave the building. Most are greeted by their families and drive away. Not Santa. He walks into the darkness alone and hops into his faded red 1966 Mustang convertible with the ragged white top. He slips behind the wheel and after another sip of liquid friendship, he starts the engine and heads home leaving behind a blue cloud of smoke.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lessons from NaNo

Here's the 25 (or so) things I've learned during this years nano.
1- I'm glad I found a good story line and took the time to plot it out. Bubbling ideas really helped out.
2- I'm getting stronger in character development... but there is a big need to improve. I made up for it by having lots of characters. Gave them each some time- but need to focus more on one or two rather than five or six.
3- It was easier to keep track of things... but I still lost track of stuff
4- Internet was an good source to track down details and info. I used it several times to find and fill in details. helicopter, cruise ship, hoover dam.
5- It was good to have the support of the group.
6- My vocabulary needs to improve... one new 'word a day'?
7- I spent too long setting the stage and too little telling the story.
8- I had lots of characters... next story I want to pare it down.
9- I want to find a spot to write... get comforable. home not one second at the desktop. mosy comfortable sitting in bedroom.
10- I do better on Q10... I like the clicking.
11- Want to try yW4... writing in scenes seems like a logical and doable idea. this would be a big change for me.
12- Timeline ... it was wacky. I was all over the map regarding time.
13- Fact checking to be done while editing.
14- Tools and gadgets are cool... Q10, yW4, Cayra, namemaker, alphasmart
15- liked Bettina's writing prompts... but useful or did they take me off track???
16- POV... liked 3rd person omniscient
17- I kept the same tense throughout... it helped writing everyday.something I wasn't able to do last year.
18- Writing everyday... I started strong and kept going. Fear of falling behind?
19- My dialog improved 100% after script frenzy. I felt i used more dialogue this time around. It had a good flow to it.
20- But... I need to give characters a distinct voice when they're talking.
21- Conflict... personal conflict. I need to develop it ahead of time... I introduced it along the way.. bad move.
22- torn between just getting words upon the paper or getting quality words. contractions, repeating phrases, etc... cheating myself?
23- felt more like a writer. Not timid about saying I'm a writer.
24- I knew what to do this time around.
25- I am still kicking around the idea about whether writing parallel plot lines or linear plot lines is better for me. I see benefits of both. I did both this time. (two: captain's log and cruise boat scene).
26- Want to be more involved during nano...? probably not. Other writers.. probably yes.
27- did good with plot but need work on execution.
1- I'm glad I found a good story line and took the time to plot it out. Bubbling ideas really helped out.
2- I'm getting stronger in character development... but there is a big need to improve. I made up for it by having lots of characters. Gave them each some time- but need to focus more on one or two rather than five or six.
3- It was easier to keep track of things... but I still lost track of stuff
4- Internet was an good source to track down details and info. I used it several times to find and fill in details. helicopter, cruise ship, hoover dam.
5- It was good to have the support of the group.
6- My vocabulary needs to improve... one new 'word a day'?
7- I spent too long setting the stage and too little telling the story.
8- I had lots of characters... next story I want to pare it down.
9- I want to find a spot to write... get comforable. home not one second at the desktop. mosy comfortable sitting in bedroom.
10- I do better on Q10... I like the clicking.
11- Want to try yW4... writing in scenes seems like a logical and doable idea. this would be a big change for me.
12- Timeline ... it was wacky. I was all over the map regarding time.
13- Fact checking to be done while editing.
14- Tools and gadgets are cool... Q10, yW4, Cayra, namemaker, alphasmart
15- liked Bettina's writing prompts... but useful or did they take me off track???
16- POV... liked 3rd person omniscient
17- I kept the same tense throughout... it helped writing everyday.something I wasn't able to do last year.
18- Writing everyday... I started strong and kept going. Fear of falling behind?
19- My dialog improved 100% after script frenzy. I felt i used more dialogue this time around. It had a good flow to it.
20- But... I need to give characters a distinct voice when they're talking.
21- Conflict... personal conflict. I need to develop it ahead of time... I introduced it along the way.. bad move.
22- torn between just getting words upon the paper or getting quality words. contractions, repeating phrases, etc... cheating myself?
23- felt more like a writer. Not timid about saying I'm a writer.
24- I knew what to do this time around.
25- I am still kicking around the idea about whether writing parallel plot lines or linear plot lines is better for me. I see benefits of both. I did both this time. (two: captain's log and cruise boat scene).
26- Want to be more involved during nano...? probably not. Other writers.. probably yes.
27- did good with plot but need work on execution.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Football 2007
Here are the predictions and results of my football prognosticatory skills:
Riverview Pirates (High School)
prediction 6--3
actual ----4--5
MSU Spartans (Big Ten)
prediction 7--5
actual---- 7--5
Detroit Lions (NFC)
prediction 6--10
so far----- 6--5
San Diego Chargers (AFC)
prediction 13--3
so far------6--5
Riverview Pirates (High School)
prediction 6--3
actual ----4--5
MSU Spartans (Big Ten)
prediction 7--5
actual---- 7--5
Detroit Lions (NFC)
prediction 6--10
so far----- 6--5
San Diego Chargers (AFC)
prediction 13--3
so far------6--5
Friday, November 23, 2007
Celebration >>>> Hitting the Magic 50,000 words

!!! Celebrate Good Times !!! ... It's been a grueling month of non-stop and frantic writing. It is only the 23rd of the month and I've hit my goal of 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo 2007. There is still a little more novel to write... and I do have seven more days to make it happen. But all the plotting and planning and late night writing have paid off.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
My Seven Favorite Films
Here's my current top seven movies:
1- The Paper. Michael Keaton. 24 hours in the life of a newspaperman.
2- Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks. A guy with a small time IQ leads a big time life.
3- Stranger Than Fiction. Will Ferrell. A man's life is controlled by a narrator.
4- Casablanca. Humphrey Bogart. High drama set in this WW2 Moroccan city.
5- Young Frankenstein. Gene Wilder. Mel Brooks meets Dr. Frankenstein head on.
6- The Wizard of Oz. Judy Garland. A young girl gets taken by a tornado to a fantasy world.
7- Funny Farm. Chevy Chase. NY Sports writer heads to the country to write a novel.
1- The Paper. Michael Keaton. 24 hours in the life of a newspaperman.
2- Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks. A guy with a small time IQ leads a big time life.
3- Stranger Than Fiction. Will Ferrell. A man's life is controlled by a narrator.
4- Casablanca. Humphrey Bogart. High drama set in this WW2 Moroccan city.
5- Young Frankenstein. Gene Wilder. Mel Brooks meets Dr. Frankenstein head on.
6- The Wizard of Oz. Judy Garland. A young girl gets taken by a tornado to a fantasy world.
7- Funny Farm. Chevy Chase. NY Sports writer heads to the country to write a novel.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Crazy Things Happen in Three's
Okay. I'll call today probably the nuttiest day I've had in a long time. Maybe it was the moon or maybe the planets or stars were crossed.
1- I was out on a walk this morning and fell and slide down the same hillside that K went down on just a few days ago.
2- I was at the Henry's and using my recyclable Stater Bros bag to shop with. Yeah, I felt a little dorky carrying around but hey it's good for the environment and it saves plastic bags. Well I'm in the check out and the lady behind me says... "you have my bag" and so I said yeah these are good for the environment. And she says "No I mean you took my bag,". She's accusing me in the checkout line of stealing her bag! Talk about a strange encounter! So after telling her that it is fact the bag I carry in my car and shop with all the time I pay for my food and leave. She drives past me in the parking lot, rolls her window down and says... "I really think that's my bag". All I'm thinking is what planet are you from? I hope that when she gets home and sees her bag sitting on the table she'll feel as foolish as she looked to me! I mean.. holy shit!
3- I wiped out on the stairs going to check on the lasagna in the oven tonight to complete my trifecta of a really goofy day.
1- I was out on a walk this morning and fell and slide down the same hillside that K went down on just a few days ago.
2- I was at the Henry's and using my recyclable Stater Bros bag to shop with. Yeah, I felt a little dorky carrying around but hey it's good for the environment and it saves plastic bags. Well I'm in the check out and the lady behind me says... "you have my bag" and so I said yeah these are good for the environment. And she says "No I mean you took my bag,". She's accusing me in the checkout line of stealing her bag! Talk about a strange encounter! So after telling her that it is fact the bag I carry in my car and shop with all the time I pay for my food and leave. She drives past me in the parking lot, rolls her window down and says... "I really think that's my bag". All I'm thinking is what planet are you from? I hope that when she gets home and sees her bag sitting on the table she'll feel as foolish as she looked to me! I mean.. holy shit!
3- I wiped out on the stairs going to check on the lasagna in the oven tonight to complete my trifecta of a really goofy day.
Friday, November 2, 2007
And we're off. Ploting, typing, writing.... but not editing. That's what National Novel Writer's Month is all about. What i learned last year was...
1- Don't ever go back and edit.
2- I thought out and wrote down my plot. Rather than just vague notes, this year I plotted out what I wanted to happen and expanded it out to novel size.
3- I developed a character list before I started. All the big players have a name and a partial to full biography written about them. A pretty smart idea.
4- I developed a "sound track" of 30 minutes log for each of the four major sub plots. So... when I'm writing a spot about my protagonist in go the earphones and on goes the good guy music. Time for a bad guy scene? Turn on the bad guy music. I got this from Rick during Script Frenzy... thanks Rick!
5- Never fall behind. I've developed a time sheet that starts on day one with 1,667 words, day two 3,333 words, day three 5,000 words, etc.
that's it! Wish me good luck. I finished last year and I intend to come up a winner again this season!
1- Don't ever go back and edit.
2- I thought out and wrote down my plot. Rather than just vague notes, this year I plotted out what I wanted to happen and expanded it out to novel size.
3- I developed a character list before I started. All the big players have a name and a partial to full biography written about them. A pretty smart idea.
4- I developed a "sound track" of 30 minutes log for each of the four major sub plots. So... when I'm writing a spot about my protagonist in go the earphones and on goes the good guy music. Time for a bad guy scene? Turn on the bad guy music. I got this from Rick during Script Frenzy... thanks Rick!
5- Never fall behind. I've developed a time sheet that starts on day one with 1,667 words, day two 3,333 words, day three 5,000 words, etc.
that's it! Wish me good luck. I finished last year and I intend to come up a winner again this season!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Haunting Halloween
Well today's the day that the Pirates of old come alive at our Halloween house. Stay tuned for pictures.
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My Big Week

This will be a big week for my family and I.
1- Halloween. K is coming home for our Halloween block party. BMO and I are getting the house scarey for the Trick-or-Treaters. Avast ye olde pirates are invading the 'hood.
2- I'll meet my cousin at Balboa Park for lunch on Monday.
3- I've got two days of work on Thursday and Friday.
4- NaNoWriMo begins at 12:01 am on November 1st.
5- We'll be getting wood for the new wood floors coming in very, very soon. Ye
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Big Game 4 Sparty

Will MSU go bowling this winter? Their bowl bids are on the line for 2007. This could be the last chance for Michigan State to become bowl eligible. They're favored over the Iowa Hawkeyes but the game is out there between the cornstalks in Iowa. I'm just hoping MSU brings their "A" game today. Can the darlings of East Lansing move thier record to 6-3?Can coach Dantonio find a way to pull a win out of his magic bag? Can the Spartans become bowl eligible for the first time in years?
The remainder of their season will be Michigan, Purdue and Penn State... no easy wins there. As much as I want to beat Michigan this year- it doesn't look like a real possibility- Lloyd Carr and the Wolverines are coming on fast after early losses to Appalacian State and Oregon State.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Firestorm 2007... five things.

I understand that they have caught some arsonists in Orange County and LA. These guys are even lower than the smelliest whale dung at the bottom of the ocean. Life in prison or the death penalty is too good for them. Perhaps for this type of crime... a deliberate act and not an accident, that results in the death of others... hmmm... life is too precious to allow others to take it so maliciously. If I ruled the world then these arsonists don't have place on my planet. Burn 'em...literally.
My five thoughts for today:
1- When you have twenty minutes to pack only one car with your most important possessions- what do you chose to take? Think about it now- before it really happens.
2- Thank God for good friends and family. Thanks especially to my cousin A.W. and her son V. for taking our family in and giving us shelter when we needed it most.
3- Thank God above for watching over my family in this time of crisis.
4- I started four batches of wine the morning the fire broke out (Sunday) and am happy to say they are all happily fermenting along. We brewed up 3 gallons of Elderberry, 3 gallons of Blackberry, 3 gallons of pear and a gallon of blueberry.
5- BMO got his haircut... he went from long and shaggy to a lean and mean buzzcut. He looks much better.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wildfire Season

As of this moment there are roaring fires in Malibu (far northwest of us), Ramona/Santa Ysabel (SR 78 on the way to Julian) and Petrero/Tecate (near SR-94). The cats are hiding..fearful of the smell of smoke. We've closed all the windows. The whole area smells like campfires and smoke. Stay tuned.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Here are a few good links to some useful (and did I say free?) software. I've tried them and like them- but make no claims as to anything other than I'm posting the links are here... (that was non-legal talk for... I'm taking no responsiblity if they mess up your computer- therefore try at your own risk).
Q 10
rough draft
y writer 3
evernote 2.1
There they are; five programs that I've downloaded and find useful in my daily writing life. Check them out and see if they can make a difference for you. (Michigan 17 Illinois 17 with 2:09 in the 3rd Quarter).
Q 10
rough draft
y writer 3
evernote 2.1
There they are; five programs that I've downloaded and find useful in my daily writing life. Check them out and see if they can make a difference for you. (Michigan 17 Illinois 17 with 2:09 in the 3rd Quarter).
Friday, October 19, 2007
Five things...
Whats going on? Here are five things to tell you what's going on at our castle in the sun:
1- The grape wine finally has settled down and it will be time to bottle next weekend.
2- The Poway Titan High School football team is 6-0 and played on national TV last Thursday.
3- It actually rained twice this week. What a nice change.
4- We'll be putting in wood floors in a few weeks--- yahoo!
5- Michigan State beat Indiana convincingly last Saturday... but they play the Buckeyes next.
1- The grape wine finally has settled down and it will be time to bottle next weekend.
2- The Poway Titan High School football team is 6-0 and played on national TV last Thursday.
3- It actually rained twice this week. What a nice change.
4- We'll be putting in wood floors in a few weeks--- yahoo!
5- Michigan State beat Indiana convincingly last Saturday... but they play the Buckeyes next.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Five Things...
1- I received my Dragon speak software and headset. I'm looking forward to talking and dicatating to my computer... just like Mr. Scott on Star Trek!
2- We still have 5 gallons of concord grape win that just won't quite fermenting. I thought it was done... teice now... and tried to stop the fermenting to bottle. Well we're still waiting because it hasn't stopped fermenting.
3- I just downloaded an easy and fun "old-school" word processor for NaNoWriMo called q10. Here's the link if you're interested:
4- Feeling green? Here's a site for all the "three-huggers" out there:
5- How about that George Steinbrenner? He called out manager Joe Torre with a "win or else" ultimatum during the Yankees-Indians playoff series. Well, the Yanks with thier bilion dollar lineup got beat. Will the Boss be a man of his word and actually "can" the most successful Yankee manager in recent memory? Stay Tuned.
Bonus... This just in... Michael "Dog Killer" Vick was ordered to re-pay $20,000,000.00 in bonus money to his former employer, the Atlanta Falcons. I'll believe that when I see it. Better get the $$$ now Falcons, Mikey is going to be going away for a long time after the judge sentences him.
2- We still have 5 gallons of concord grape win that just won't quite fermenting. I thought it was done... teice now... and tried to stop the fermenting to bottle. Well we're still waiting because it hasn't stopped fermenting.
3- I just downloaded an easy and fun "old-school" word processor for NaNoWriMo called q10. Here's the link if you're interested:
4- Feeling green? Here's a site for all the "three-huggers" out there:
5- How about that George Steinbrenner? He called out manager Joe Torre with a "win or else" ultimatum during the Yankees-Indians playoff series. Well, the Yanks with thier bilion dollar lineup got beat. Will the Boss be a man of his word and actually "can" the most successful Yankee manager in recent memory? Stay Tuned.
Bonus... This just in... Michael "Dog Killer" Vick was ordered to re-pay $20,000,000.00 in bonus money to his former employer, the Atlanta Falcons. I'll believe that when I see it. Better get the $$$ now Falcons, Mikey is going to be going away for a long time after the judge sentences him.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
NaNoWriMo 2007
Well it will soon be that time of year--- National Novel Writing Month is fast approaching. 50,000 words in 30 days in the month of November. Does it sound easy? Try it... that's 1,667 words per day... and no days off.
This will just be a quick "drive by" note as the Charger game is starting on TV and even though thewy are sucking so far this year and all my teams (MSU, UCLA, RCHS and the Lions) have lost this weekend I'm looknig forward to the Chargers playing the Broncos. Who knows maybe they'll find the "Norv" to beat them?
This will just be a quick "drive by" note as the Charger game is starting on TV and even though thewy are sucking so far this year and all my teams (MSU, UCLA, RCHS and the Lions) have lost this weekend I'm looknig forward to the Chargers playing the Broncos. Who knows maybe they'll find the "Norv" to beat them?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Welcome to October
Well it's been a long and hot September and we're all looking forward to the cool of the fall. I worked way too hard this past month- but was rewarded with a nice trip to SF for the ADA convention. I attended some lectures and... it made me really happy to be out of the school environment. Whew... those lectures were long and sometimes painful.
So... what's new with me? For starters: we sure are getting jazzed about Halloween. We bought a second fogger and are ready to bring the pirates of old back to life on Oct 31. We're going to build a ship, have smoke burning buildings and we'll shiver the timbers off those little trick or treaters this year.
News in the neighborhood: Our long time neighbors to the East (whom we loved), moved to Kansas City today. They were such good freinds and a pleasure to live next door to. We'll miss the Easterners terribly. A new family will move in over the next several weeks. By all accounts they're a nice family and we're looknig forward to meeting them.
The "other" neighbor, to the West, abandoned their house and had it foreclosed on. I heard this in the morning and was stunned. I was away for nearly a week and getting this news floored me. They were the "not so good" neighbors... with the dirty yard and the howling dogs and all. Losing the Westerners was no great loss... but they left the house in a shambles. The back yard has an old couch sitting in it along with bags of garbage and old screen doors. Rumors abound, but everyone says the inside is worse- if that's possible. It looks like a house in the burned out part of Detroit. How soon until it gets cleaned up and has new owners? Who will they be?
That's about it. We've been stunned by the news and only time will tell. So I'll drink a glass of red wine (good for the heart- you know) and contemplate life.
On a more emotional note.. it sure has been quiet without the barking dogs all night long... so good frigging riddance! Here's a toast to getting rid of a crappy and inconsiderate family.
So... what's new with me? For starters: we sure are getting jazzed about Halloween. We bought a second fogger and are ready to bring the pirates of old back to life on Oct 31. We're going to build a ship, have smoke burning buildings and we'll shiver the timbers off those little trick or treaters this year.
News in the neighborhood: Our long time neighbors to the East (whom we loved), moved to Kansas City today. They were such good freinds and a pleasure to live next door to. We'll miss the Easterners terribly. A new family will move in over the next several weeks. By all accounts they're a nice family and we're looknig forward to meeting them.
The "other" neighbor, to the West, abandoned their house and had it foreclosed on. I heard this in the morning and was stunned. I was away for nearly a week and getting this news floored me. They were the "not so good" neighbors... with the dirty yard and the howling dogs and all. Losing the Westerners was no great loss... but they left the house in a shambles. The back yard has an old couch sitting in it along with bags of garbage and old screen doors. Rumors abound, but everyone says the inside is worse- if that's possible. It looks like a house in the burned out part of Detroit. How soon until it gets cleaned up and has new owners? Who will they be?
That's about it. We've been stunned by the news and only time will tell. So I'll drink a glass of red wine (good for the heart- you know) and contemplate life.
On a more emotional note.. it sure has been quiet without the barking dogs all night long... so good frigging riddance! Here's a toast to getting rid of a crappy and inconsiderate family.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The last cork of the evening had been placed and after a very liberal sampling of all eleven wines it was time to call it a night... and so ended Saturday night's highlight. We did bottle eleven different flavors of wine: blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, strawberry, red raspberry, cherry, peach, white grape, peach, pineapple, apple spice and even mint.
Here's my big five:
1- Michigan State is 2-0 and U-M is 0-2... the world as we know it must be coming to an end... where are the four hirsemen on the Apocalypse?
2- Both the Chargers and the Lions won their opening games of the NFL season.
3- I just sent out a newsletter to all the family and friends.
4- Went to Cream for a writer meeting with Kip and we both got a lot done on our upcoming books.
5- Anyone have a good Pirate themed idea for Halloween? I'm accepting any ideas (even one's with zombies Adrian--- thanks for the comment BTW) good, bad or in between.
That's about it. I hope you all are having a cool day and enjoying the weather. After Labor Day... anything below 100 degrees seems cool.
Here's my big five:
1- Michigan State is 2-0 and U-M is 0-2... the world as we know it must be coming to an end... where are the four hirsemen on the Apocalypse?
2- Both the Chargers and the Lions won their opening games of the NFL season.
3- I just sent out a newsletter to all the family and friends.
4- Went to Cream for a writer meeting with Kip and we both got a lot done on our upcoming books.
5- Anyone have a good Pirate themed idea for Halloween? I'm accepting any ideas (even one's with zombies Adrian--- thanks for the comment BTW) good, bad or in between.
That's about it. I hope you all are having a cool day and enjoying the weather. After Labor Day... anything below 100 degrees seems cool.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
What I did the first week of August
For me, August is the month to re-commit to all the projects and goals I've set for myself. Why? Well, you see, I turned another year older on July 30th and always take the time to re-evaluate the past year of my life. So here is what I reflected back on...
1- I retired from military service after 21 years.
2- I finished a novel for NaNoWriMo 2006.
3- I finished a movie script for ScriptFrenzy 2007.
4- I have begun to enjoy the word of Private Dental Practice.
5- We did a great spooky house for Halloween.
6- The Chargers did well in football... until the playoffs.
7- The Padres won the NL West.
8- The Tigers played in the World Series.
9- My kids made me the proudest father in San Diego. They're all smart, honest and hard working and the best kids a dad could ask for.
10- I've started back into our winemaking hobby.
11- The front yard and back yard are coming around and looking good.
12- I'm exercising every day by taking a one hour walk of about 4-5 miles.
13- I've become a better cook- by necessity.
14- I have begun several book projects and am making progress on them.
I've set some goals:
a- Travel to Europe for our 25th wedding anniversary in 2009.
b- Complete NaNoWriMo again this fall.
c- Do a great Pirates themed Halloween.
d- Lose 10 pounds by Christmas.
e- Begin running and run in a 5K race by Christmas.
So that's what happens when I enter August... for me it's New Year's Resolution Time!
1- I retired from military service after 21 years.
2- I finished a novel for NaNoWriMo 2006.
3- I finished a movie script for ScriptFrenzy 2007.
4- I have begun to enjoy the word of Private Dental Practice.
5- We did a great spooky house for Halloween.
6- The Chargers did well in football... until the playoffs.
7- The Padres won the NL West.
8- The Tigers played in the World Series.
9- My kids made me the proudest father in San Diego. They're all smart, honest and hard working and the best kids a dad could ask for.
10- I've started back into our winemaking hobby.
11- The front yard and back yard are coming around and looking good.
12- I'm exercising every day by taking a one hour walk of about 4-5 miles.
13- I've become a better cook- by necessity.
14- I have begun several book projects and am making progress on them.
I've set some goals:
a- Travel to Europe for our 25th wedding anniversary in 2009.
b- Complete NaNoWriMo again this fall.
c- Do a great Pirates themed Halloween.
d- Lose 10 pounds by Christmas.
e- Begin running and run in a 5K race by Christmas.
So that's what happens when I enter August... for me it's New Year's Resolution Time!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Wine Making
It's about time to rack my wines again and stabilize them. That amounts to siphoning them into clean jugs and then adding sugar, sulfite, Potassium sorbate and glycerin to sweeten and stabilize it before bottling.
I just ordered the famed Portguese bottle corker yesterday. It will make one man bottling possible. Also I purtchased Root Beer and Birch Beer extracts to make some more soda pop. We've tried Ginger Beer and love it! It really has some zip to it... more like Vernors Ginger Ale than anything else. But it's got BITE.
Soon it will be time to start washing and sterilizing wine bottles and getting the old labels off and all scrubbed up.
Projects for the future:
Wine Kit with grapes (5 gal)
Elderberry (5 gal)
The last time we racked wine it turned out very good, I mean we tasted them and they were pretty good.
I just ordered the famed Portguese bottle corker yesterday. It will make one man bottling possible. Also I purtchased Root Beer and Birch Beer extracts to make some more soda pop. We've tried Ginger Beer and love it! It really has some zip to it... more like Vernors Ginger Ale than anything else. But it's got BITE.
Soon it will be time to start washing and sterilizing wine bottles and getting the old labels off and all scrubbed up.
Projects for the future:
Wine Kit with grapes (5 gal)
Elderberry (5 gal)
The last time we racked wine it turned out very good, I mean we tasted them and they were pretty good.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Five Things....
1- Well Tony Gwynn got inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. He deserves the honor. Not only is he a great ballplayer but he is also a first class citizen. One day at my son's school, Tony was sitting on a bench waiting to pick up his daughter. It was the off season and he had just had some knee surgery and was in a walking cast. A bunch of boys saw him, my son included, and recognized him. They went up and asked for an autograph. He could have said no and told them to go away. Instead he took the time to sign each kids math book cover after getting a promise from them that they would try to get an A in the class. He's a class act.
2- The light hitting Padres won today by the score of 18-11. They haven't been scoring a lot of runs lately and I hope this snaps them out of their funk. I just hope that they don't lose their next game 2-0.
3- I just finished "The Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale. I have tried some of his ideas with surprising results. I hope that by implementing his entire plan that I can reap some serious benefits.
4- Well I'll turn another year older tomorrow. To my ears 48 seems much older than 47. It easily sounds like more than a year - more like 2 or 3. Anyways, whether I want to get another year older or not... I will.
5- BMO has his best friend over for a two week visit. He moved away to Arkansas 1.5 years ago and it's good to have him over. He's grown very tall- almost as tall as me. He's been here nearly a week and it's been great. I know BMO likes having him here.
2- The light hitting Padres won today by the score of 18-11. They haven't been scoring a lot of runs lately and I hope this snaps them out of their funk. I just hope that they don't lose their next game 2-0.
3- I just finished "The Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale. I have tried some of his ideas with surprising results. I hope that by implementing his entire plan that I can reap some serious benefits.
4- Well I'll turn another year older tomorrow. To my ears 48 seems much older than 47. It easily sounds like more than a year - more like 2 or 3. Anyways, whether I want to get another year older or not... I will.
5- BMO has his best friend over for a two week visit. He moved away to Arkansas 1.5 years ago and it's good to have him over. He's grown very tall- almost as tall as me. He's been here nearly a week and it's been great. I know BMO likes having him here.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Five more things...
Here are today's five things...
1- I'm currently re-reading Harry Potter Six (The Half Blood Prince). After benig totally lost at the theater for Harry Potter Five... (it was like a whole new movie to me), it was decided that I should read 6 before I read 7. Funny thing was, my daughter made that suggestion... and guiess who grabbed Book 7?
2- My son's best friend arrived from arkansas today for a two week visit. I love airports.. don't you?
3- It's a BBQ tonight. Chicken and steak kebobs alnog with some baked taters and a salad.
4- Don't mess with Uncle Ted after he's been drinking.
5- BMO broke his skateboard the other day... I guess that's what birthday money is for.
Here are today's five things...
1- I'm currently re-reading Harry Potter Six (The Half Blood Prince). After benig totally lost at the theater for Harry Potter Five... (it was like a whole new movie to me), it was decided that I should read 6 before I read 7. Funny thing was, my daughter made that suggestion... and guiess who grabbed Book 7?
2- My son's best friend arrived from arkansas today for a two week visit. I love airports.. don't you?
3- It's a BBQ tonight. Chicken and steak kebobs alnog with some baked taters and a salad.
4- Don't mess with Uncle Ted after he's been drinking.
5- BMO broke his skateboard the other day... I guess that's what birthday money is for.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Five Things...
Here's my top five things for today.
1- I saw Pirates of the Carribean 3 last night. I'll give it 3 of 5 stars. Long and convoluted, I still don't understand the need for those multiple Jack Sparrow scenes- other than to make the movie nearly three hours. Good, none the less, but it could have been better with tighter editing. Also there was lots and lots of blood and death for a "Disney" kids movie.
2- Our copy of Harry Potter 7 arrived in the mail from Amazon last night. We didn't pay any extra for super fast delivery, yet got our book the same day it was released... kudos to the US Postal Service!
3- We're getting ready for my son's friend to arrive and spend a few weeks with us on Monday. Should be fun and entertaining. Maybe a trip to Disneyland?
4- Went and saw the Harry Potter Movie, too. It was good- but as in the other recent Potter movies it is omitting some of the good points from the book. What is it that everyone always says?... oh yeah, "I liked the movie...but the book was better".
Thoughts on Barry Bonds. Well Mr. Steroids is closing in on Hammering Hanks record.
I remember as a kid getting to stay up and watch Hank hit Al Downings pitch into the Atlanta bullpen for #715. Everyone was pullnig for him. Aaron was a hero to a generation of little boys. My dad said that no one would ever break Aaron's record. That was before beefy steroid abusers would begin launching baseball's high into the sky and threaten the space station's orbit.
So Bonds may break the record of 755- but I don't have to like it or have to respect that record... and I won't. After all, I'm just a fan- the type of fan that Bonds has consistently spat in the face of with his arrogance and steroid use. (McGwire, Sosa, Palimero, Canseco- you too). His arrogance makes the bile in my stomach curdle and my blood boil. Rudeness and arrogance don't have a place in the enterainment industry and I don't appreciate having Bonds rammed down my throat by the sportscenter talking heads and MLB.
So Barry, if you're out there reading this: good luck with your record. And realize that unlike that night many years ago when Hank Aaron set the baseball world on fire, your homer will be met with a yawn and perhaps a burp by the majority of the baseball world. You shall certainly not get any applause from me.
1- I saw Pirates of the Carribean 3 last night. I'll give it 3 of 5 stars. Long and convoluted, I still don't understand the need for those multiple Jack Sparrow scenes- other than to make the movie nearly three hours. Good, none the less, but it could have been better with tighter editing. Also there was lots and lots of blood and death for a "Disney" kids movie.
2- Our copy of Harry Potter 7 arrived in the mail from Amazon last night. We didn't pay any extra for super fast delivery, yet got our book the same day it was released... kudos to the US Postal Service!
3- We're getting ready for my son's friend to arrive and spend a few weeks with us on Monday. Should be fun and entertaining. Maybe a trip to Disneyland?
4- Went and saw the Harry Potter Movie, too. It was good- but as in the other recent Potter movies it is omitting some of the good points from the book. What is it that everyone always says?... oh yeah, "I liked the movie...but the book was better".
Thoughts on Barry Bonds. Well Mr. Steroids is closing in on Hammering Hanks record.
I remember as a kid getting to stay up and watch Hank hit Al Downings pitch into the Atlanta bullpen for #715. Everyone was pullnig for him. Aaron was a hero to a generation of little boys. My dad said that no one would ever break Aaron's record. That was before beefy steroid abusers would begin launching baseball's high into the sky and threaten the space station's orbit.
So Bonds may break the record of 755- but I don't have to like it or have to respect that record... and I won't. After all, I'm just a fan- the type of fan that Bonds has consistently spat in the face of with his arrogance and steroid use. (McGwire, Sosa, Palimero, Canseco- you too). His arrogance makes the bile in my stomach curdle and my blood boil. Rudeness and arrogance don't have a place in the enterainment industry and I don't appreciate having Bonds rammed down my throat by the sportscenter talking heads and MLB.
So Barry, if you're out there reading this: good luck with your record. And realize that unlike that night many years ago when Hank Aaron set the baseball world on fire, your homer will be met with a yawn and perhaps a burp by the majority of the baseball world. You shall certainly not get any applause from me.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Nice trip to SF/Oak
Well we just got back from a relaxing trip to the Bay area. The top ten things we did:
1- Rode the wine train and tasted Napa Valley wine while we cruised... the Napa Valley.
2- Rode a ferry to Pier 39 and said hello to the sea lions.
3- Visited the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory and sampled the product... mmmm.
4- Walked downhill on Lombard Street--- the crookedest street in the world.
5- Went to Chinatown for a walking tour and then enjoyed an authentic Chinese meal.
6- Watched the squirrels at Crab Cove Park.
7- Sampled the wines at Rosenblum's Winery.
8- Visited the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium.
9- Toured crazy Mrs. Winchester's Mystery House in San Jose.
10- Ate out way too much and saw a place called "The Raider Image" --- but was too chicken to go inside. Those Raider fans are really scarey.
1- Rode the wine train and tasted Napa Valley wine while we cruised... the Napa Valley.
2- Rode a ferry to Pier 39 and said hello to the sea lions.
3- Visited the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory and sampled the product... mmmm.
4- Walked downhill on Lombard Street--- the crookedest street in the world.
5- Went to Chinatown for a walking tour and then enjoyed an authentic Chinese meal.
6- Watched the squirrels at Crab Cove Park.
7- Sampled the wines at Rosenblum's Winery.
8- Visited the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium.
9- Toured crazy Mrs. Winchester's Mystery House in San Jose.
10- Ate out way too much and saw a place called "The Raider Image" --- but was too chicken to go inside. Those Raider fans are really scarey.
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Well--- Script Frenzy is over for me--- I finished the 20,000 word test of literary strength on Tuesday June 26. That's right- a full four days before the deadline. But is this script complete... no-no-no-no. If I were a betting man-- and I'm not-- I would put my money on being 2/3 completed now. I've essentially finished Act 2 of a three act script.
So I'll be driving down to the Cream coffee shop on Saturday with my fellow writing buds to pound out the last scenes of "The Lucky Lefty" (soon to be showing at theaters everywhere).
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Script Frenzy
Who would think I would be using the month of June to write a 20,000 word screenplay script? Anyone, anyone, anyone? Well it's true. June is Script Frenzy Month. Here's a link to describe it.
"For his 50th birthday Ned Shipley's San Diego co-workers give him a week at Padres Baseball Fantasy camp in Peoria, AZ. While driving out to the camp, he meets a magical American Indian who shows him the fountain of youth. After drinking some of the water, Ned realizes he has the athletic abilities he had before he was injured 30 years ago. After getting a tryout, Ned makes the team against all odds as a 50 year old rookie. He steps in to replace the retired Trevor Hoffman as the bullpen ace. He must first overcome his nemisis Garry Bends to pitch the Padres to a Championship season. "
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Seven Burning Questions?
1- Why does the guy with the leaf blower always start working before 6 a.m.? C'mon buddy, don't you have something else to do before the sun comes up? Instead you cut and blow the lawn's in the neighborhood before the rooster has even crowed once- let alone three times. Oh I just read the sign on your truck.... Early Bird Lawn Service... that explains it.
2- Why do they have those little foil wrappers on sticks of gum? What purpose does it serve?
3- Why Do cell phones seem to only last two years before thier electronics craps out... about the same length as your phone contract?
4- Who R-E-A-L-L-Y built the pyramids and the Sphinx? We have 21st century technology to build buildings and yet they still fall down... but these wonders from Egypt have withstood the test of time. Massive stones- moved without the aid of mechanical equipment. The truth is no one even knows how long the Sphinx has been there.
5- Has anyone ever used a pen long enough for it to run out of ink? This one boggles my mind. I don't mean you used it and it stopped writing. I mean Y-O-U bought one of those BIC pens and began using it. Didn't lose it, have it taken or run it through the washing machine and actually used it until it ran out of ink? You checked the inside and sure enough all the ink is gone. It's sort of like how many licks are in a tootsie pop... no one really knows. BTW where do all these wayward pens go? Is there a guy sitting in his house right now with several thousands of pens?
6- Why do I always seem to hit the caps lock key when I type the letter "A" or accidentally hit the 'insert' key on my keyboard? Not being a touch typist (meaning I have to look at my fingers) the results of these two moves can be disasterous. The least objectionable is having all my caps as small letters and aLL MY SMALL LETTERS AS CAPS (like this). The worst is that I hit the damn 'insert' key and when I go back to edit or add something and have all my words disappear.
7- Last but not least. Why is it that when you can finally afford to do all the things you want and also have the time to do them-you get too old? I see this happen to so many people- it sort of sucks. I won't let this happen to me! Promise. I guess that just gives creedence to the 'just do it' advice of Nike!
2- Why do they have those little foil wrappers on sticks of gum? What purpose does it serve?
3- Why Do cell phones seem to only last two years before thier electronics craps out... about the same length as your phone contract?
4- Who R-E-A-L-L-Y built the pyramids and the Sphinx? We have 21st century technology to build buildings and yet they still fall down... but these wonders from Egypt have withstood the test of time. Massive stones- moved without the aid of mechanical equipment. The truth is no one even knows how long the Sphinx has been there.
5- Has anyone ever used a pen long enough for it to run out of ink? This one boggles my mind. I don't mean you used it and it stopped writing. I mean Y-O-U bought one of those BIC pens and began using it. Didn't lose it, have it taken or run it through the washing machine and actually used it until it ran out of ink? You checked the inside and sure enough all the ink is gone. It's sort of like how many licks are in a tootsie pop... no one really knows. BTW where do all these wayward pens go? Is there a guy sitting in his house right now with several thousands of pens?
6- Why do I always seem to hit the caps lock key when I type the letter "A" or accidentally hit the 'insert' key on my keyboard? Not being a touch typist (meaning I have to look at my fingers) the results of these two moves can be disasterous. The least objectionable is having all my caps as small letters and aLL MY SMALL LETTERS AS CAPS (like this). The worst is that I hit the damn 'insert' key and when I go back to edit or add something and have all my words disappear.
7- Last but not least. Why is it that when you can finally afford to do all the things you want and also have the time to do them-you get too old? I see this happen to so many people- it sort of sucks. I won't let this happen to me! Promise. I guess that just gives creedence to the 'just do it' advice of Nike!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
What's up
Here's my top fifteen things for the week:
1- Today I'm headed to Balboa Park to see my cousin and her new three month old son.
2- Tonight is Cellar Dwellers on-line talk show. Rosenblum's Zinfandel is the choice wine to sample.
On the plate:
3- Paint trim in Bathroom tomorrow morning.
4- Side yard project tomorrow afternoon.
5- vacuum house today
6- several phone calls to make
7- The yard is looking fine. time to fertilize and weed kill the yard on Thursday.
8- Cut it next Monday
9- Check out my new reading list.
10- New book idea. Actually it's an old idea with some added energy.
11- Man has the weather been nice or what?
12- Self improvement club: whiten teeth and get a sun tan.
13- begin running program. I've built up a huge walking base (4-5 miles/day) so it's time to begin running... again.
14- How about those Red Wings? They've lost two star defensemen... Kornwall and Schnieder and just got Lebda back. Even though undermanned they shut out the Sharks 2-0 to advance.
15- A quote to live by:
Q: How do you know you're having a good day?
A: When I'm on the right side of the grass.
Until next time... live long and prosper.

Q: Name this waterfall?
A; Taquamenon Falls, near Paradise, MI.
1- Today I'm headed to Balboa Park to see my cousin and her new three month old son.
2- Tonight is Cellar Dwellers on-line talk show. Rosenblum's Zinfandel is the choice wine to sample.
On the plate:
3- Paint trim in Bathroom tomorrow morning.
4- Side yard project tomorrow afternoon.
5- vacuum house today
6- several phone calls to make
7- The yard is looking fine. time to fertilize and weed kill the yard on Thursday.
8- Cut it next Monday
9- Check out my new reading list.
10- New book idea. Actually it's an old idea with some added energy.
11- Man has the weather been nice or what?
12- Self improvement club: whiten teeth and get a sun tan.
13- begin running program. I've built up a huge walking base (4-5 miles/day) so it's time to begin running... again.
14- How about those Red Wings? They've lost two star defensemen... Kornwall and Schnieder and just got Lebda back. Even though undermanned they shut out the Sharks 2-0 to advance.
15- A quote to live by:
Q: How do you know you're having a good day?
A: When I'm on the right side of the grass.
Until next time... live long and prosper.

Q: Name this waterfall?
A; Taquamenon Falls, near Paradise, MI.
Friday, April 27, 2007
My International 7 & 7
Here's the top seven international (not in the USA) sites I have seen:
1- Newschwainstein Castle (Germany)
2- Big Ben and London Town (England)
3- Loch Ness & the Highlands (Scotland)
4- The Rock (Gibraltar)
5- Valley of the Fallen (Spain)
6- Venice (Italy)
7- Rome (Italy)
Seven places in the world I would like to see:
1- Carnivale Week (Brazil)
2- The Islands (of Croatia)
3- A Safari (with camera- not gun) (Africa)
4- The Louvre in Paris (France)
5- A Canadians game at the Forum in Montreal (Canada)
6- A cruise into the Fjords (Norway)
7- The Kremlin (Russia)
1- Newschwainstein Castle (Germany)
2- Big Ben and London Town (England)
3- Loch Ness & the Highlands (Scotland)
4- The Rock (Gibraltar)
5- Valley of the Fallen (Spain)
6- Venice (Italy)
7- Rome (Italy)
Seven places in the world I would like to see:
1- Carnivale Week (Brazil)
2- The Islands (of Croatia)
3- A Safari (with camera- not gun) (Africa)
4- The Louvre in Paris (France)
5- A Canadians game at the Forum in Montreal (Canada)
6- A cruise into the Fjords (Norway)
7- The Kremlin (Russia)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Seven Sights to See
I've travelled around the U.S.A. and at 47 I think I've seen some pretty interesting sights. My top seven are:
1- Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
2- The Mall in Washington D.C.
3- The Grand Canyon
4- Mount Rushmore
5- Baseball Hall of Fame- Cooperstown, NY
6- Cape Canaveral, FL
7- Niagara Falls, NY
Places I want to visit:
1- Roswell, New Mexico
2- Yosemite National Park
3- New York City at Christmas and Times Square at New Year's
4- Boston's Fenway Park
5- Glacier National Park
6- Gettyburg Battlefield
7- Augusta National Golf Course
1- Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
2- The Mall in Washington D.C.
3- The Grand Canyon
4- Mount Rushmore
5- Baseball Hall of Fame- Cooperstown, NY
6- Cape Canaveral, FL
7- Niagara Falls, NY
Places I want to visit:
1- Roswell, New Mexico
2- Yosemite National Park
3- New York City at Christmas and Times Square at New Year's
4- Boston's Fenway Park
5- Glacier National Park
6- Gettyburg Battlefield
7- Augusta National Golf Course
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Seven People I'd Like 2 Meet
Have you ever wondered what you'd utter to say... Abraham Lincoln... if he came walking up your front porch?
Here are seven people and the question I would ask them if they appeared at the front door.
1. Moses... 'So... does God sound like James Earl Jones?'
2. Pandora... 'What's in the box?'
3. Albert Einstein... 'Did you eat a lot of fish and what did you study in school to get so smart?'
4. Nicole Brown Simpson.... 'O.J. did it, didn't he?'
5. Christopher Columbus... 'Tell me honestly Chris- were you worried you were going to sail off the edge of the world and how did you keep your crew from mutiny-ing?'
6. Saddam Hussein... 'Where did you put those weapons of mass destruction?'
7. Gilligan... 'Ginger or Marrianne?'
Obviously mine are a little funny- butb think about it. Who would you want to ask a question of?
Here are seven people and the question I would ask them if they appeared at the front door.
1. Moses... 'So... does God sound like James Earl Jones?'
2. Pandora... 'What's in the box?'
3. Albert Einstein... 'Did you eat a lot of fish and what did you study in school to get so smart?'
4. Nicole Brown Simpson.... 'O.J. did it, didn't he?'
5. Christopher Columbus... 'Tell me honestly Chris- were you worried you were going to sail off the edge of the world and how did you keep your crew from mutiny-ing?'
6. Saddam Hussein... 'Where did you put those weapons of mass destruction?'
7. Gilligan... 'Ginger or Marrianne?'
Obviously mine are a little funny- butb think about it. Who would you want to ask a question of?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Writer Blog: 005
As Jake headed away from the reflection pond and unto the jogging trail he thought back on what had just transpired. It seemed that despite his obviously poor attempts at small talk and conversation, he had succeeded in taking the next step with the lovely Jill Wilson. He would like to have believed it was his charm and good looks that had impressed her. But he truly did not think that was it. Somehow, someway he had a date with her tomorrow afternoon and he didn't know why. Perhaps the love gods were smiling on him. Understanding that he shouldn't try to figure it out, he made up his mind to just go with the flow and see where it took him.
As he continue to ponder his good fortune, he felt a thump on his chest and watched as a pine cone fall harmlessly to the ground. He looked up and saw his good friend and sometime-jogging-partner, Steve Stafford winding up to toss another conifer projectile. Steve was a stock broker for a small start-up brokerage house in the newly renovated downtown tower district.
"Hey dunderhead, how's it going," came Steve's greeting. Jake twitched as Steve launched another projectile, this time at Jake's head.
"Not bad," shouted Jake. "Take that you scurvy dog," as he caught the fist sized cone and fired it back at Steve.
The two men then shadow boxed with each other, trading imaginary punches as a form of greeting. Steve stood slightly taller and more muscular than Jake and his blond hair contrasted with his deep bronze tan. They quickly fell into an easy running pace as Steve began to speak.
"I saw you talking to a nice looking lady over near the fish pond. What's up with that?" asked Steve. "We've seen her out here quite a bit, what did you talk about?"
Jake paused and thought for a moment before he spoke. "Oh, just talked about this and that- you know small talk. I found out that her name is Jill. You know it's funny. I have been admiring her for some time while we've been out running and I was wondering if I would ever get the opportunity to connect with her," he said between breaths. "I was running past the pond and stopped to watch her feed the fish. They were really going crazy over the bread she was feeding them- really splashing it up. Then we just started talking." He failed to mention his awkward greeting and how he almost blew it. "I sort of have a coffee date at the Starbucks with her tomorrow morning."
"Ohhhhhhh! Wow, you're a mover and shaker," joked Steve with a grin. "A regular Don Juan," then he added, "or maybe Don Knotts."
Jake hid a smile and pretended to take a swing at Steve's head as the two men disappeared down the trail. A trail that would lead them along a five mile course toward the river and give Jake a great idea.
As he continue to ponder his good fortune, he felt a thump on his chest and watched as a pine cone fall harmlessly to the ground. He looked up and saw his good friend and sometime-jogging-partner, Steve Stafford winding up to toss another conifer projectile. Steve was a stock broker for a small start-up brokerage house in the newly renovated downtown tower district.
"Hey dunderhead, how's it going," came Steve's greeting. Jake twitched as Steve launched another projectile, this time at Jake's head.
"Not bad," shouted Jake. "Take that you scurvy dog," as he caught the fist sized cone and fired it back at Steve.
The two men then shadow boxed with each other, trading imaginary punches as a form of greeting. Steve stood slightly taller and more muscular than Jake and his blond hair contrasted with his deep bronze tan. They quickly fell into an easy running pace as Steve began to speak.
"I saw you talking to a nice looking lady over near the fish pond. What's up with that?" asked Steve. "We've seen her out here quite a bit, what did you talk about?"
Jake paused and thought for a moment before he spoke. "Oh, just talked about this and that- you know small talk. I found out that her name is Jill. You know it's funny. I have been admiring her for some time while we've been out running and I was wondering if I would ever get the opportunity to connect with her," he said between breaths. "I was running past the pond and stopped to watch her feed the fish. They were really going crazy over the bread she was feeding them- really splashing it up. Then we just started talking." He failed to mention his awkward greeting and how he almost blew it. "I sort of have a coffee date at the Starbucks with her tomorrow morning."
"Ohhhhhhh! Wow, you're a mover and shaker," joked Steve with a grin. "A regular Don Juan," then he added, "or maybe Don Knotts."
Jake hid a smile and pretended to take a swing at Steve's head as the two men disappeared down the trail. A trail that would lead them along a five mile course toward the river and give Jake a great idea.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Only the Good Die Young
That Billy Joel hit 'Only the Good Die Young' is resonating in my heart today. I have been blessed to have many friends and acquaintances in my 47 plus years on the planet. I'm at 'that age' when I start hearing that people I have known and loved are getting sick and dying.
Recently two that I have known have been smacked down with terrible news.
The first is an old college friend from Michigan State. Over the Thanksgiving holiday he became violently ill and started losing weight. After several days he checked into the hospital and it was discovered that he had become inflicted with Multiple Myeloma.
From Wikipedia: 'Multiple Myeloma is a type of cancer of plasma cells which are immune system cells in bone marrow that produce antibodies. Its prognosis, despite therapy, is generally poor, and treatment may involve chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. It is part of the broad group of diseases called hematological malignancies.'
He is slated to receive a bone marrow transplant in the coming months. Geez, he's just 46 with a wife and two boys. He's a fighter and is scraping hard to beat MM.
The other is a colleague whom I have known in the Navy for over ten years. He is married and they have seven children. I got word last night that he has lymphoma and less than six months to live. Again he is nearly my age. This news floored me. He has always been active and would run 3-5 times a week and was in great shape.
So there it is:
two middle aged men in fine health getting whacked down by cancer. Neither smoked nor drank excessively. Both fine family men and both men I respect.
This news, coupled with the passing of the father of the best man at my wedding, screams out to me. It virtually shouts from the highest mountain:
Matt, take care of yourself and live life to get the most out of it. You never know when you'll roll snake eyes and get called upstairs by the Big Guy.
I found the following story on-line and I'll share it with you. I only wish I had the life experience to write something so profound.
I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting on the patio and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time at work.
Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them. I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.
I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.
"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my friends would've done had they known that they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted.
I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, or for whatever their favorite food was. I'm guessing--- I'll never know.
It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives.
And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. Everyday, every minute, every breath truly is a gift from God.
So here's MY PHILOSOPHY. I put it at the end of every e-mail:
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!"
Recently two that I have known have been smacked down with terrible news.
The first is an old college friend from Michigan State. Over the Thanksgiving holiday he became violently ill and started losing weight. After several days he checked into the hospital and it was discovered that he had become inflicted with Multiple Myeloma.
From Wikipedia: 'Multiple Myeloma is a type of cancer of plasma cells which are immune system cells in bone marrow that produce antibodies. Its prognosis, despite therapy, is generally poor, and treatment may involve chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. It is part of the broad group of diseases called hematological malignancies.'
He is slated to receive a bone marrow transplant in the coming months. Geez, he's just 46 with a wife and two boys. He's a fighter and is scraping hard to beat MM.
The other is a colleague whom I have known in the Navy for over ten years. He is married and they have seven children. I got word last night that he has lymphoma and less than six months to live. Again he is nearly my age. This news floored me. He has always been active and would run 3-5 times a week and was in great shape.
So there it is:
two middle aged men in fine health getting whacked down by cancer. Neither smoked nor drank excessively. Both fine family men and both men I respect.
This news, coupled with the passing of the father of the best man at my wedding, screams out to me. It virtually shouts from the highest mountain:
Matt, take care of yourself and live life to get the most out of it. You never know when you'll roll snake eyes and get called upstairs by the Big Guy.
I found the following story on-line and I'll share it with you. I only wish I had the life experience to write something so profound.
I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting on the patio and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time at work.
Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them. I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.
I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.
"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my friends would've done had they known that they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted.
I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, or for whatever their favorite food was. I'm guessing--- I'll never know.
It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives.
And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. Everyday, every minute, every breath truly is a gift from God.
So here's MY PHILOSOPHY. I put it at the end of every e-mail:
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!"
Monday, March 19, 2007
Writer Blog: entry 004
Jake reached for her hand and touched it lightly. "Hi, I'm Jake Smith," he said rather sheepishly, trying to recall something catchy to say. However his memory bank of witticisms came up with a big fat zero. That left him standing there holding her hand and stammering for words. It all seemed to be happening in super slow motion. Look at me while I make a fool of myself, he thought.
She watched him carefully, critically trying to decide if continuing their conversation would be worth the effort. She sized him up. He was pretty average in physical features. He was athletic and that was a plus. It seemed that he shared her interest in jogging. In truth she was more than a jogger, having successfully completed two marathons in the past eighteen months.
He was rather handsome. His angular jaw and nicely tanned facial features were very appealing. His brown eyes screamed for adventure. She looked at him once more before speaking.
"I've seen you before in the park," she said taking him off the hook for his awkward greeting. "Usually I come and sit and read or feed the fish. I noticed you on the jogging trails. It seems like you run a lot."
"I've noticed you too," stammered Jake. "I guess I run about 3-4 times a week. Always on the weekend. Do you live in the area? I have a flat across the street, over there," he finished. She followed his index to look at his apartment building.
"Well, maybe I'll see you again soon," she said as she gathered her things and stood up.
"Warning, Warning! Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!" Jake heard the robot's voice from 'Lost in Space' screaming that phrase in his head. Jake smelled the brushoff coming. He hadn't been very eloquent and he felt the panic of having blown his chance with this raven haired goddess. His got that old sick feeling in his stomach, which now felt like it was free falling into his Nike training shoes.
He was speechless and stood motionless as he watched her turning away from him and head toward the walking path. Before he could get out a sound, she turned back towards him.
"Maybe we could have coffee or lunch sometime," she said. He wasn't sure if his heart stopped or just skipped a beat. He wasn't even sure if he should believe his ears. But then just as suddenly she said, "how about tomorrow morning? I could meet you here and then we could grab a coffee around noon."
"Sure, that would be great."
Jill gave him a wave goodbye. "Okay, then. Tomorrow at noon, see you there."
He stood watching her as she walked away. What had just happened, he wondered as his mind played back their conversation. It seemed that through no fault of his own he would be having lunch with a beautiful woman he had been admiring from afar for the past few months.
Little did he know that it would change his life forever.
She watched him carefully, critically trying to decide if continuing their conversation would be worth the effort. She sized him up. He was pretty average in physical features. He was athletic and that was a plus. It seemed that he shared her interest in jogging. In truth she was more than a jogger, having successfully completed two marathons in the past eighteen months.
He was rather handsome. His angular jaw and nicely tanned facial features were very appealing. His brown eyes screamed for adventure. She looked at him once more before speaking.
"I've seen you before in the park," she said taking him off the hook for his awkward greeting. "Usually I come and sit and read or feed the fish. I noticed you on the jogging trails. It seems like you run a lot."
"I've noticed you too," stammered Jake. "I guess I run about 3-4 times a week. Always on the weekend. Do you live in the area? I have a flat across the street, over there," he finished. She followed his index to look at his apartment building.
"Well, maybe I'll see you again soon," she said as she gathered her things and stood up.
"Warning, Warning! Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!" Jake heard the robot's voice from 'Lost in Space' screaming that phrase in his head. Jake smelled the brushoff coming. He hadn't been very eloquent and he felt the panic of having blown his chance with this raven haired goddess. His got that old sick feeling in his stomach, which now felt like it was free falling into his Nike training shoes.
He was speechless and stood motionless as he watched her turning away from him and head toward the walking path. Before he could get out a sound, she turned back towards him.
"Maybe we could have coffee or lunch sometime," she said. He wasn't sure if his heart stopped or just skipped a beat. He wasn't even sure if he should believe his ears. But then just as suddenly she said, "how about tomorrow morning? I could meet you here and then we could grab a coffee around noon."
"Sure, that would be great."
Jill gave him a wave goodbye. "Okay, then. Tomorrow at noon, see you there."
He stood watching her as she walked away. What had just happened, he wondered as his mind played back their conversation. It seemed that through no fault of his own he would be having lunch with a beautiful woman he had been admiring from afar for the past few months.
Little did he know that it would change his life forever.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Iraq War
Just a quick note regarding the ongoing war in Iraq.
You know I wasn't there when we had to occupy Germany and Japan after WW2. What was it like then? Did we get crapped on by the local population like we are in Baghdad? If so how did we handle it?
You know, America can't seem to ever learn from it's past. I won't debate the "should we have gone into Iraq"question. I've leave that to the liberal and conservative talking heads on the TV and radio. I'll just say this... now that we're there (and we've been there for four years) what the F--- are we doing to get the F--- out? I know that we're still in both Japan and Germany (since 1945) in some form or another and I know we're all friends now. But that took a heck of a long time.
I know we're still in South Korea... and Kuwait and probably a few other countries we've either helped or defeated. It seems that as American's, once we're into a country we just never leave! History backs me up on this point.
I think we need to show the Iraqi's and the world that we aim to go home when this job is done. But how can we 'prove it' to them when they look around and see Germany, Japan, Korea? I guess what I'm leading to is talk is cheap and until we actually walk the walk, and show the world that we aim to leave then they'll just figure we're going to stay. Was it really all about WMDs or was it about oil ($2.95/gal @ this writing)?
Getting back to my original thought... Didn't we face some of the same problems in Iraq that we faced over 60 years ago after WW2? I think we need to dust off the archives and see... what did the McArthur and Marshall do to quell the violence and restore order? How did they handle it when things got hairy and everyone was screaming? (I'll bet they kicked ass and took names so that everyone understood that's how it was going to be). I don't think we need to reinvent the wheel here. Go back to 1945-6 and pull out the blueprint for peace and use it.
Okay. Maybe things have changed a little bit since then, so adapt the plan that worked instead of flying by the seat of your frigging pants and making it up as you go along. I guess that's the biggest disappointment I have in 'W': the guy thinks like a cowboy- because he is a cowboy. He just handles things as they happen... no planning and no urgency.
Whew. Glad I got that off my chest!
You know I wasn't there when we had to occupy Germany and Japan after WW2. What was it like then? Did we get crapped on by the local population like we are in Baghdad? If so how did we handle it?
You know, America can't seem to ever learn from it's past. I won't debate the "should we have gone into Iraq"question. I've leave that to the liberal and conservative talking heads on the TV and radio. I'll just say this... now that we're there (and we've been there for four years) what the F--- are we doing to get the F--- out? I know that we're still in both Japan and Germany (since 1945) in some form or another and I know we're all friends now. But that took a heck of a long time.
I know we're still in South Korea... and Kuwait and probably a few other countries we've either helped or defeated. It seems that as American's, once we're into a country we just never leave! History backs me up on this point.
I think we need to show the Iraqi's and the world that we aim to go home when this job is done. But how can we 'prove it' to them when they look around and see Germany, Japan, Korea? I guess what I'm leading to is talk is cheap and until we actually walk the walk, and show the world that we aim to leave then they'll just figure we're going to stay. Was it really all about WMDs or was it about oil ($2.95/gal @ this writing)?
Getting back to my original thought... Didn't we face some of the same problems in Iraq that we faced over 60 years ago after WW2? I think we need to dust off the archives and see... what did the McArthur and Marshall do to quell the violence and restore order? How did they handle it when things got hairy and everyone was screaming? (I'll bet they kicked ass and took names so that everyone understood that's how it was going to be). I don't think we need to reinvent the wheel here. Go back to 1945-6 and pull out the blueprint for peace and use it.
Okay. Maybe things have changed a little bit since then, so adapt the plan that worked instead of flying by the seat of your frigging pants and making it up as you go along. I guess that's the biggest disappointment I have in 'W': the guy thinks like a cowboy- because he is a cowboy. He just handles things as they happen... no planning and no urgency.
Whew. Glad I got that off my chest!
Rambling Man
Today I'm going to be the rambling man. I'll share with everyone my trip to Fry's Electronics. I went there with the intention of looking at DVD/VCR machines. When I walked in I picked the obligatory metal handled, red hand cart. Of course these things always look like someone barfed into the bottom of it- and this one was no exception. Then I headed over to the 'ad wall'.
For those of you who have never been to Fry's let me explain about the 'ad wall' . It's a bulletin board that has the past weeks Union-Tribune advertisements posted on it. Now wouldn't it be great if they had flyers that you could take with you to find the items on sale? Well- they don't. You need to either bring your own add or write down the items you want from the 'ad wall'. Or do as I do... commit it to memory.
As we all know, Fry's is the man's version of a candy store. So just what did I do at the candy store? First I went to check out the USB wireless thins for home networks. They had a full wall of them. I'm thinking of getting BMO one for his computer. But you know I really like him in the office where I can quasi see what he's doing on the net. So I passed on that thought and marched off to the DVD section.
Doing the slow saunter past the big screen HD TV sets, I found the DVD players. Hey! Did you know they now have DVD recorders for your TVs? I just found that out today. But what I'm looking for was the DVD.VCR all-in-one combo. They had plenty. A nice Sony model was $99. You know, maybe I need that Ben Franklin in my wallet more than under the TV set in our bedroom. So once again... pass.
Then it was to my list... need compressed air dusters. There they are- and on sale. Three for $6.99. There's a bargain for you. Okay, they'll be coming home with me. I checked out all the 'free' software. You know the $29.99 stuff that promised to give it back to you with the mail in rebate? If you need anti virus or spam protection this is the place. No thanks for me.
I took a serious look at the dusters. Did I really want to snake my way through the labyrinth to check out for just this? Hmmmm. Hey I need a new set of headphones for my i-pod. Okay now here I will digress. Does anyone finds those ear bud style headphones comfortable? I mean I used them for the first two months after I received my I-pod and they really, and I mean really hurt my ears. Ouch! (and who can keep those black covers on them). So I replaced them with some old behind the head headphones. Much more comfortable and I they let me stop the background noise that the ear buds gave me. Well, with all that being said, my current ones are getting pretty beat up. The foam is falling off and disintegrating and beginning to fall off. So time for new ones. And there they are- a bargain for only $7.99. Yes I did look at the $59.99 noise cancelling ones. They're pretty slick and if I was a frequent flyer I would have gotten a set. They double as headphones for airline movies.
Satisfied with my purchases and tired of fighting the crowd I headed for checkout. The line wasn't too bad but the 'direction dude' (the guy who watches and points to the next pen cashier) was getting crapped on by the guy in front of me. I mean he really unloaded on him. Okay, direction dude did try to send him off to a register that wasn't open. But whoa. Life's too short to get as upset as that guy did. He was ready to blow a gasket. Judging him to be in the above 55 crowd, I mentally began rehearsing my CPR skills. Thankfully his volcano subsided and he stomped off without having to call 9-1-1.
Well I'm safely at home, After a side trip to the always healthy in-n-out burger it's off to the open road for a Sunday drive.
Hopefully I'll figure out what Jake and Jill will talk about in Writer Blog: entry 004.
For those of you who have never been to Fry's let me explain about the 'ad wall' . It's a bulletin board that has the past weeks Union-Tribune advertisements posted on it. Now wouldn't it be great if they had flyers that you could take with you to find the items on sale? Well- they don't. You need to either bring your own add or write down the items you want from the 'ad wall'. Or do as I do... commit it to memory.
As we all know, Fry's is the man's version of a candy store. So just what did I do at the candy store? First I went to check out the USB wireless thins for home networks. They had a full wall of them. I'm thinking of getting BMO one for his computer. But you know I really like him in the office where I can quasi see what he's doing on the net. So I passed on that thought and marched off to the DVD section.
Doing the slow saunter past the big screen HD TV sets, I found the DVD players. Hey! Did you know they now have DVD recorders for your TVs? I just found that out today. But what I'm looking for was the DVD.VCR all-in-one combo. They had plenty. A nice Sony model was $99. You know, maybe I need that Ben Franklin in my wallet more than under the TV set in our bedroom. So once again... pass.
Then it was to my list... need compressed air dusters. There they are- and on sale. Three for $6.99. There's a bargain for you. Okay, they'll be coming home with me. I checked out all the 'free' software. You know the $29.99 stuff that promised to give it back to you with the mail in rebate? If you need anti virus or spam protection this is the place. No thanks for me.
I took a serious look at the dusters. Did I really want to snake my way through the labyrinth to check out for just this? Hmmmm. Hey I need a new set of headphones for my i-pod. Okay now here I will digress. Does anyone finds those ear bud style headphones comfortable? I mean I used them for the first two months after I received my I-pod and they really, and I mean really hurt my ears. Ouch! (and who can keep those black covers on them). So I replaced them with some old behind the head headphones. Much more comfortable and I they let me stop the background noise that the ear buds gave me. Well, with all that being said, my current ones are getting pretty beat up. The foam is falling off and disintegrating and beginning to fall off. So time for new ones. And there they are- a bargain for only $7.99. Yes I did look at the $59.99 noise cancelling ones. They're pretty slick and if I was a frequent flyer I would have gotten a set. They double as headphones for airline movies.
Satisfied with my purchases and tired of fighting the crowd I headed for checkout. The line wasn't too bad but the 'direction dude' (the guy who watches and points to the next pen cashier) was getting crapped on by the guy in front of me. I mean he really unloaded on him. Okay, direction dude did try to send him off to a register that wasn't open. But whoa. Life's too short to get as upset as that guy did. He was ready to blow a gasket. Judging him to be in the above 55 crowd, I mentally began rehearsing my CPR skills. Thankfully his volcano subsided and he stomped off without having to call 9-1-1.
Well I'm safely at home, After a side trip to the always healthy in-n-out burger it's off to the open road for a Sunday drive.
Hopefully I'll figure out what Jake and Jill will talk about in Writer Blog: entry 004.
Friday, March 16, 2007
My Five Things
Well it's the end of the week. What did I accomplish?
1. I started writing again. It's a huge step and I'm happy to say that not only do I enjoy it- but I actually look forward to it! Thanks for the encouragement Kip. To anyone out there brave enough to read my blog, please leave a comment.
2. How about those Spartans? They pounded on the Golden Eagles from Marquette and advance to the next round to play North Carolina. Well... no one said it was going to be easy. This was supposed to be a rebuilding year and Michigan State surprised a few teams along the way and played well enough to make it to the dance.
3. How about this weather? It's been 75-80 most of the week and I've been lucky enough to be outside and cleaning up the yard from the damages of winter. Luckily, we lost but a few of our landscape plants. I did dig out the annuals and divided and replanted some of the daylilies. Also picked up some more ice plant for the slope. It should be enough to fill in the bare spots that always seem to pop up.
4. I did some spring cleaning and the house looks a little neater and a little less cluttered. Also I looked into the Far Infrared Saunas that have been mentioned on several holistic and health sites. Has anyone heard anything about these? Anyone have one or use one? It sounds intriguing... I've always liked the deep warmth I get from a steam sauna.
5. My number one annoyance of the week: the midnight songbird. Last year he sang his songs all night from our chimney and almost drove me crazy. This year he has found another spot... but I still get the serenade treatment. I've seen him during the daylight and he looks pretty harmless. He's a gray, medium-sized bird with a black beak. He might be some type of mockingbird because he sings a variety of showtunes all night long. He'll go 5-6 songs without a repeat. If nothing else he has talent. But all night long? C'mon buddy, show off for the girlie birds when they can get a good look at you... in the daylight!!!
Out of here... have a great weekend.
1. I started writing again. It's a huge step and I'm happy to say that not only do I enjoy it- but I actually look forward to it! Thanks for the encouragement Kip. To anyone out there brave enough to read my blog, please leave a comment.
2. How about those Spartans? They pounded on the Golden Eagles from Marquette and advance to the next round to play North Carolina. Well... no one said it was going to be easy. This was supposed to be a rebuilding year and Michigan State surprised a few teams along the way and played well enough to make it to the dance.
3. How about this weather? It's been 75-80 most of the week and I've been lucky enough to be outside and cleaning up the yard from the damages of winter. Luckily, we lost but a few of our landscape plants. I did dig out the annuals and divided and replanted some of the daylilies. Also picked up some more ice plant for the slope. It should be enough to fill in the bare spots that always seem to pop up.
4. I did some spring cleaning and the house looks a little neater and a little less cluttered. Also I looked into the Far Infrared Saunas that have been mentioned on several holistic and health sites. Has anyone heard anything about these? Anyone have one or use one? It sounds intriguing... I've always liked the deep warmth I get from a steam sauna.
5. My number one annoyance of the week: the midnight songbird. Last year he sang his songs all night from our chimney and almost drove me crazy. This year he has found another spot... but I still get the serenade treatment. I've seen him during the daylight and he looks pretty harmless. He's a gray, medium-sized bird with a black beak. He might be some type of mockingbird because he sings a variety of showtunes all night long. He'll go 5-6 songs without a repeat. If nothing else he has talent. But all night long? C'mon buddy, show off for the girlie birds when they can get a good look at you... in the daylight!!!
Out of here... have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Writer Blog: entry 003
Jake walked out into the dazzlingly bright morning sun. Already he felt energized. Getting a restful night's sleep after many weeks of tossing and turning made him feel glorious. It really was amazing just how good he felt with an uninterrupted eight hours of quality sleep.
He sprinted across the street and started his wristwatch. Whenever he jogged he carefully timed himself and he always tried to run for a full thirty minutes before quitting. Are all accountants so compulsive, he wondered? He settled into a comfortable trot somewhere between an eight and nine minute per mile pace. His breathing quickened as he increased his effort from the warm up jog to his normal running speed.
As he always did while running, he began to rehash the current events in his life. Not things like the war in Iraq or the rising price of gasoline but the everyday trials and tribulations of Jake Smith. As always sitting in the middle of his mind like an untrained gorilla with constipation and a surely temper was Sam Fredicks.
Why did he let one man dominate him so? Nearly every waking moment would ultimately turn his thinking toward the injustices and frustrations initiated by that man. In fact it was during one of these runs, that Jake had determined that eliminating Fredricks would not only make his world better but also the world's of many, many others better as well.
As near as he could tell no one at the office liked him. On the contrary, most actually despised him and his pompous and self-serving ways. Around the water cooler the 'Fredricks stories' would be told. Each one was wilder and more bazaar than the last as person after person explained how they had been 'Freddied'. Sometimes the humiliation was done in private but most times Fredricks had performed a highly animated, verbal 'dressing down' in a very public place for others to enjoy. Usually the others were senior members of the firm who in some incredible way seemed to watch the display with enthusiasm.
Jake let his idle thoughts drift from his boss to the reflection pond to his right. He gazed into the bronze color of the water. The pond was partly covered with water lilies and was home to nearly dozen koi. Fat and slow from being constantly feed, they swam in small circles around the breadcrumbs being thrown into the water. Jake looked up and watched as a slender young lady carefully crumbled the bread and spread it on the water. The water swirled as the fish eagerly accepted the food and playfully splashed their appreciation.
Jake had noticed this beautiful woman several times during his jogs in the park. Her good looks always caught his eye. He had pondered how he could strike up a conversation with her and come up empty of ideas. She usually sat near the reflection pond, either reading or sunning herself of a blanket. This was the first time he had ever seen her feeding the fish and he stopped his exercise to watch.
"Whoa, they really like that food," Jake said as one of the koi made a vigorous jump to attack the food.
The woman looked up and smiled. Her dark hair reflected the sun and she raised her sunglasses to reveal a lovely pair of sapphire blue eyes. Her tanned face flashed him another quick smile as her eyes made a quick study of his face.
"Yes," she replied in a measured tone and then added, "they certainly do enjoy a free meal. Would you like to feed them?" she asked as she extended a piece of bread.
"Ahhh, sure," said Jake as he reached for the bread. Their hands touched and he felt a tingle- as did she. He looked into her eyes and she held his gaze. Jake quickly looked away but then after a moment looked back to her again. She was still watching him.
Finally she extended her hand and announced, "My name is Jill. Jill Wilson. What's yours?"
He sprinted across the street and started his wristwatch. Whenever he jogged he carefully timed himself and he always tried to run for a full thirty minutes before quitting. Are all accountants so compulsive, he wondered? He settled into a comfortable trot somewhere between an eight and nine minute per mile pace. His breathing quickened as he increased his effort from the warm up jog to his normal running speed.
As he always did while running, he began to rehash the current events in his life. Not things like the war in Iraq or the rising price of gasoline but the everyday trials and tribulations of Jake Smith. As always sitting in the middle of his mind like an untrained gorilla with constipation and a surely temper was Sam Fredicks.
Why did he let one man dominate him so? Nearly every waking moment would ultimately turn his thinking toward the injustices and frustrations initiated by that man. In fact it was during one of these runs, that Jake had determined that eliminating Fredricks would not only make his world better but also the world's of many, many others better as well.
As near as he could tell no one at the office liked him. On the contrary, most actually despised him and his pompous and self-serving ways. Around the water cooler the 'Fredricks stories' would be told. Each one was wilder and more bazaar than the last as person after person explained how they had been 'Freddied'. Sometimes the humiliation was done in private but most times Fredricks had performed a highly animated, verbal 'dressing down' in a very public place for others to enjoy. Usually the others were senior members of the firm who in some incredible way seemed to watch the display with enthusiasm.
Jake let his idle thoughts drift from his boss to the reflection pond to his right. He gazed into the bronze color of the water. The pond was partly covered with water lilies and was home to nearly dozen koi. Fat and slow from being constantly feed, they swam in small circles around the breadcrumbs being thrown into the water. Jake looked up and watched as a slender young lady carefully crumbled the bread and spread it on the water. The water swirled as the fish eagerly accepted the food and playfully splashed their appreciation.
Jake had noticed this beautiful woman several times during his jogs in the park. Her good looks always caught his eye. He had pondered how he could strike up a conversation with her and come up empty of ideas. She usually sat near the reflection pond, either reading or sunning herself of a blanket. This was the first time he had ever seen her feeding the fish and he stopped his exercise to watch.
"Whoa, they really like that food," Jake said as one of the koi made a vigorous jump to attack the food.
The woman looked up and smiled. Her dark hair reflected the sun and she raised her sunglasses to reveal a lovely pair of sapphire blue eyes. Her tanned face flashed him another quick smile as her eyes made a quick study of his face.
"Yes," she replied in a measured tone and then added, "they certainly do enjoy a free meal. Would you like to feed them?" she asked as she extended a piece of bread.
"Ahhh, sure," said Jake as he reached for the bread. Their hands touched and he felt a tingle- as did she. He looked into her eyes and she held his gaze. Jake quickly looked away but then after a moment looked back to her again. She was still watching him.
Finally she extended her hand and announced, "My name is Jill. Jill Wilson. What's yours?"
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Writer Blog: entry 002
Long shadows from the oak tree in front of his apartment danced across the glass. Jake shifted in his bed to face the window. Maybe he had something here. If hiring a hit man was too complicated then perhaps an accident could be arranged. Yes, an 'on-purpose' accident would be an excellent idea. His mind raced through possible scenarios: falling off the platform into an oncoming train, being poisoned at a restaurant, plummeting forty floors off a roof to the pavement below. One-by-one he analyzed them and quickly crossed them off his mental list. He was making this too complicated. It would require more thought and his mind raced.
"Damn, "he cursed to himself. "I had too much coffee and I’ll never get to sleep." He mulled over more options in his head. Not being able to identify the perfect way for Fredricks to die, he at least managed to identify over fifty ways that wouldn’t work. When he thought about this he was surprisingly satisfied with himself. Satisfied that he would soon take action. A clever plot would present itself and then he could take matters into his own hands.
Time, after all, was on his side. Revenge is a dish best served cold. That was the phrase wasn’t it? Shakespeare or Socrates he thought or maybe Sinatra had penned that wonderful phrase. It really didn’t matter how soon it took place, he said to himself. But it most certainly would. The undertaker should start measuring Fredricks for his pine box. Yes- an accident would most definitely be in Sammy boy's future. With that problem solved he drifted off to enjoy a rare good night’s sleep.
The next day was a Saturday and Jake woke to sunshine and birds. He’d slept in and wasn’t surprised that the clock said nine thirty. It was beginning to warm up as he stretched and looked out his bedroom window. On the streets below, the city was basking in the morning sunshine. Young families played in the park and a chubby hot dog vendor unfolded his cart. Jake watched as the man raised the wooden awnings and fired up his grill. A hot dog and soda would make an excellent lunch he thought as he turned from the window.
But first he would go for his daily run in the park. As he walked into the bathroom, his reflection in the mirror caught his attention. He wasn’t much to look at. At 27 years of age, Jake Smith was Noah Webster’s definition of average. His hair was brown and he kept it closely cut and parted on the left side. As he peered into the mirror his brown eyes caught sight of a new zit on his left eyebrow. He quickly popped it and washed his face with the blue washcloth. He walked into the kitchen as he brushed his teeth and returned to swish the fluoride mouth rinse for one minute as his dentist had recommended. He stood five feet nine inches tall and checked his weight on the bathroom scale: 175 pounds. Yes on every day and in every way he was the average American male.
He donned his running shirt and shorts and laced up his shoes. From his desk he picked up his charged I-pod, strapping it to his bicep and popped the ear buds into his ears. He deftly turned it on and selected his workout playlist... Blink 1982... ahhh. He stopped and took one more look at himself in the mirror near the door. His day old beard looked back at him, giving his face a dirty and unwashed look.
‘Oh hell,’ he thought, as he moved towards the door, ‘I’ll shave when I get back. If I run into Jessica Simpson in the park I’m sure she’ll understand.’ He slipped five bucks into his shoe for the hot dog vendor took one last look around, then locked the door behind him.
"Damn, "he cursed to himself. "I had too much coffee and I’ll never get to sleep." He mulled over more options in his head. Not being able to identify the perfect way for Fredricks to die, he at least managed to identify over fifty ways that wouldn’t work. When he thought about this he was surprisingly satisfied with himself. Satisfied that he would soon take action. A clever plot would present itself and then he could take matters into his own hands.
Time, after all, was on his side. Revenge is a dish best served cold. That was the phrase wasn’t it? Shakespeare or Socrates he thought or maybe Sinatra had penned that wonderful phrase. It really didn’t matter how soon it took place, he said to himself. But it most certainly would. The undertaker should start measuring Fredricks for his pine box. Yes- an accident would most definitely be in Sammy boy's future. With that problem solved he drifted off to enjoy a rare good night’s sleep.
* * *
The next day was a Saturday and Jake woke to sunshine and birds. He’d slept in and wasn’t surprised that the clock said nine thirty. It was beginning to warm up as he stretched and looked out his bedroom window. On the streets below, the city was basking in the morning sunshine. Young families played in the park and a chubby hot dog vendor unfolded his cart. Jake watched as the man raised the wooden awnings and fired up his grill. A hot dog and soda would make an excellent lunch he thought as he turned from the window.
But first he would go for his daily run in the park. As he walked into the bathroom, his reflection in the mirror caught his attention. He wasn’t much to look at. At 27 years of age, Jake Smith was Noah Webster’s definition of average. His hair was brown and he kept it closely cut and parted on the left side. As he peered into the mirror his brown eyes caught sight of a new zit on his left eyebrow. He quickly popped it and washed his face with the blue washcloth. He walked into the kitchen as he brushed his teeth and returned to swish the fluoride mouth rinse for one minute as his dentist had recommended. He stood five feet nine inches tall and checked his weight on the bathroom scale: 175 pounds. Yes on every day and in every way he was the average American male.
He donned his running shirt and shorts and laced up his shoes. From his desk he picked up his charged I-pod, strapping it to his bicep and popped the ear buds into his ears. He deftly turned it on and selected his workout playlist... Blink 1982... ahhh. He stopped and took one more look at himself in the mirror near the door. His day old beard looked back at him, giving his face a dirty and unwashed look.
‘Oh hell,’ he thought, as he moved towards the door, ‘I’ll shave when I get back. If I run into Jessica Simpson in the park I’m sure she’ll understand.’ He slipped five bucks into his shoe for the hot dog vendor took one last look around, then locked the door behind him.
Writer Blog: entry 001
At the recommendation of a writer friend I will begin using this blog to begin a ‘daily 500’ words. As a way to keep (begin) writing every day. My purpose will be to expand and improve my limited writing skills (note to self: learning to touch type would ultimately be very helpful).
The room was lit by one- 40 watt light bulb and shadows filled the corners. Like sentinel soldiers they stood silent and tall- guarding the room. The cool night breeze filtered in through the open windows. Daytime it had been sizzling hot and any breeze was welcome. But tonight it caused Jake to pull the blankets up around him as he stared at the ceiling.
Planning a murder was never easy. Here he lay, Jake Smith planning a murder. He had thought the idea through on many nights. Nights just like this. Yes, he thought again, he had to go through with it. Why? Because his boss, Sam Fredricks was an ungrateful lout who had passed Jake’s ideas off as his own one too many times.
At first Jake was too elated to notice that his boss had taken the credit, As a recently hired accountant, he was just happy to see that his ideas were liked. He waited for his boss to pass on the credit to him- but he never did. Then another idea was presented by Jake and again it was used to further that bastard Fredricks' career and not his own. It began to infuriate Jake. Jake waited for the credit to come and it never did. He waited three other times before he confronted the boss man.
"Mr. Fredricks, do you have a minute?" asked Jake as he entered his bosses office.
"I’m a pretty busy man, Smith," said Fredricks, "What’s on your mind?"
Jake drew up a chair and sat down. This wasn’t going to be easy. Fredicks wasn’t going to ‘let’ this be easy. "It’s about the Hospital idea I gave you last week…" His voice trailed off not knowing how to proceed.
"Oh you mean my idea about how to improve the hospital’s bottom line don’t you?" Boss man moved closer as he hissed the words through nicotine stained lips.
"No, I mean my idea," said Jake suddenly rising to meet Fredricks stance. "I presented that idea at our departmental think tank meeting."
"You did say something that sparked the idea in my head," said the boss. "But you don't think you can take credit for it, do you? You’re just a junior employee around here and frankly, if I hadn’t totally revised and improved it, the CEO never would have seen the value and accepted it."
Fredricks walked closer and studied Jake’s face. Almost daring him to respond. Looking into Jake’s eyes and satisfied that he had made his point, he returned to his desk and sat down.
"Well is that all Smith? Have we got that little misunderstanding cleared up?"
"Yes sir," was all Jake could think to respond. His mind had joined his knees in turning to jello. He left the room like a whipped puppy.
So here he lay, alone with his thoughts. Although the incident had occurred nearly three months ago, Jake replayed it in his mind as if it had happened only this afternoon. At first he had tried to put it out of his mind. Turn the other cheek or something like that. But it hadn’t worked. His mind kept coming back to the humiliation and helplessness he had felt when Fredricks' hot, stale coffee-breath assaulted him that day. But what could he do?
At first he thought- there’s nothing I can do- it's hopeless- he’s the boss. But then he watched the movie, ‘The Godfather’. Michael Corleone, Vito's son and heir apparent to the Corleone family, takes over the 'family' for his aging father. Michael let’s the little things build up until his father dies and then at the end of the movie he ‘settles all the family business’ in his own words. It rang true to Jake. It was now time for him to settle the business between him and Fredricks. Either that or find another job. But doing that was tantamount to running away. The ‘Godfather’ had energized him and turned him into a man of action.
The next logical step was to decide how to do the deed. Idea number one- get a hit man. Could he really hire a hit man to ‘whack’ old Fredricks? Who do you call? Certainly not 'Ghostbusters'. He checked the yellow pages but couldn’t find anyone listed under murderer or hit men, or mafia. How does one go about finding a cold-blooded killer for hire? And do you interview them? Do you screen them on the phone like you would a gardener or nanny? Ask them questions and talk about fees? Then what? Do you interview the top three prospects in person? How will the guys who don’t get the job react? If angered enough at not being selected, perhaps they might do a 'whack job' on him... for free. Hmmmmm, thought Jake, that doesn’t sound like it would work out too well at all.
Perhaps maybe an accident then…
The room was lit by one- 40 watt light bulb and shadows filled the corners. Like sentinel soldiers they stood silent and tall- guarding the room. The cool night breeze filtered in through the open windows. Daytime it had been sizzling hot and any breeze was welcome. But tonight it caused Jake to pull the blankets up around him as he stared at the ceiling.
Planning a murder was never easy. Here he lay, Jake Smith planning a murder. He had thought the idea through on many nights. Nights just like this. Yes, he thought again, he had to go through with it. Why? Because his boss, Sam Fredricks was an ungrateful lout who had passed Jake’s ideas off as his own one too many times.
At first Jake was too elated to notice that his boss had taken the credit, As a recently hired accountant, he was just happy to see that his ideas were liked. He waited for his boss to pass on the credit to him- but he never did. Then another idea was presented by Jake and again it was used to further that bastard Fredricks' career and not his own. It began to infuriate Jake. Jake waited for the credit to come and it never did. He waited three other times before he confronted the boss man.
"Mr. Fredricks, do you have a minute?" asked Jake as he entered his bosses office.
"I’m a pretty busy man, Smith," said Fredricks, "What’s on your mind?"
Jake drew up a chair and sat down. This wasn’t going to be easy. Fredicks wasn’t going to ‘let’ this be easy. "It’s about the Hospital idea I gave you last week…" His voice trailed off not knowing how to proceed.
"Oh you mean my idea about how to improve the hospital’s bottom line don’t you?" Boss man moved closer as he hissed the words through nicotine stained lips.
"No, I mean my idea," said Jake suddenly rising to meet Fredricks stance. "I presented that idea at our departmental think tank meeting."
"You did say something that sparked the idea in my head," said the boss. "But you don't think you can take credit for it, do you? You’re just a junior employee around here and frankly, if I hadn’t totally revised and improved it, the CEO never would have seen the value and accepted it."
Fredricks walked closer and studied Jake’s face. Almost daring him to respond. Looking into Jake’s eyes and satisfied that he had made his point, he returned to his desk and sat down.
"Well is that all Smith? Have we got that little misunderstanding cleared up?"
"Yes sir," was all Jake could think to respond. His mind had joined his knees in turning to jello. He left the room like a whipped puppy.
So here he lay, alone with his thoughts. Although the incident had occurred nearly three months ago, Jake replayed it in his mind as if it had happened only this afternoon. At first he had tried to put it out of his mind. Turn the other cheek or something like that. But it hadn’t worked. His mind kept coming back to the humiliation and helplessness he had felt when Fredricks' hot, stale coffee-breath assaulted him that day. But what could he do?
At first he thought- there’s nothing I can do- it's hopeless- he’s the boss. But then he watched the movie, ‘The Godfather’. Michael Corleone, Vito's son and heir apparent to the Corleone family, takes over the 'family' for his aging father. Michael let’s the little things build up until his father dies and then at the end of the movie he ‘settles all the family business’ in his own words. It rang true to Jake. It was now time for him to settle the business between him and Fredricks. Either that or find another job. But doing that was tantamount to running away. The ‘Godfather’ had energized him and turned him into a man of action.
The next logical step was to decide how to do the deed. Idea number one- get a hit man. Could he really hire a hit man to ‘whack’ old Fredricks? Who do you call? Certainly not 'Ghostbusters'. He checked the yellow pages but couldn’t find anyone listed under murderer or hit men, or mafia. How does one go about finding a cold-blooded killer for hire? And do you interview them? Do you screen them on the phone like you would a gardener or nanny? Ask them questions and talk about fees? Then what? Do you interview the top three prospects in person? How will the guys who don’t get the job react? If angered enough at not being selected, perhaps they might do a 'whack job' on him... for free. Hmmmmm, thought Jake, that doesn’t sound like it would work out too well at all.
Perhaps maybe an accident then…
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
March Marches on...
Five Things:
1- BMO had his initial Orthodontics consult (more to come).
2- I did my first Cerac Crown yesterday- it was easy and fun--- but I had lots of coaching.
3- We're gonna be grape and black Raspberry grower's. I bought 2 grape vines and 3 raspberry bushes from Home Depot and will clear the land and plant the plants today.
4- Already planning summer visits to the "Bay area".
5- It's fun following the football free agency follies. So far the Lions have signed one guy (White) and talked to three others (Curtis, MacDonald and Duckett). Duckett, the former MSU Spartan would be a bruising back near the goal-line ala, Jerome Bettis. My Chargers have only inked their own: Guard Chris Dielman.
1- BMO had his initial Orthodontics consult (more to come).
2- I did my first Cerac Crown yesterday- it was easy and fun--- but I had lots of coaching.
3- We're gonna be grape and black Raspberry grower's. I bought 2 grape vines and 3 raspberry bushes from Home Depot and will clear the land and plant the plants today.
4- Already planning summer visits to the "Bay area".
5- It's fun following the football free agency follies. So far the Lions have signed one guy (White) and talked to three others (Curtis, MacDonald and Duckett). Duckett, the former MSU Spartan would be a bruising back near the goal-line ala, Jerome Bettis. My Chargers have only inked their own: Guard Chris Dielman.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Ides of March
March comes in like a lion...
1. With 80 degree temps here in San Diego, you could have fooled me! Yes, the Santa Ana winds have blown in for these past two days and warmed everything up. They blew over a once tall pine tree on the hill below our house. The warm weather has allwoed me to replant the front flower bed and trim up the bushes & trees. The nice thing about the winds this time was that they followed about four days of wet and dreary winter weather.
2. Ides of March... The Lions signed a DE Dewayne White from Tampa Bay. They're hoping to sign Kevin Curtis- a WR that studied at Martz U in St. Louis. In addtion to this they traded Dre 'Big Mouth' Bly and a 6th round pick to the Broncos for 1,000 yard rusher Tatum Bell, RT George Foster and a 5th round pick. They also unloaded James 'The Wolverine' Hall for another fifth rounder to the Rams. The Lions actually improved themselves- for once.
3. Moved the bed back in front of the window so thje cool night air will tickle us as summer approaches.
4. I racked three batches of wine today. Blueberry, Raspberry and the Berry Mix got taken off their lees. They tasted a little thin so I added some more sugar water to let them continue thier ferment. They'll be 12% alcohol before we're done. I'm hoping they pick up a little more flavor soon or I might add a drop of essence to the gallon.
5. I got the 'beast' smogged and tagged for another year.
1. With 80 degree temps here in San Diego, you could have fooled me! Yes, the Santa Ana winds have blown in for these past two days and warmed everything up. They blew over a once tall pine tree on the hill below our house. The warm weather has allwoed me to replant the front flower bed and trim up the bushes & trees. The nice thing about the winds this time was that they followed about four days of wet and dreary winter weather.
2. Ides of March... The Lions signed a DE Dewayne White from Tampa Bay. They're hoping to sign Kevin Curtis- a WR that studied at Martz U in St. Louis. In addtion to this they traded Dre 'Big Mouth' Bly and a 6th round pick to the Broncos for 1,000 yard rusher Tatum Bell, RT George Foster and a 5th round pick. They also unloaded James 'The Wolverine' Hall for another fifth rounder to the Rams. The Lions actually improved themselves- for once.
3. Moved the bed back in front of the window so thje cool night air will tickle us as summer approaches.
4. I racked three batches of wine today. Blueberry, Raspberry and the Berry Mix got taken off their lees. They tasted a little thin so I added some more sugar water to let them continue thier ferment. They'll be 12% alcohol before we're done. I'm hoping they pick up a little more flavor soon or I might add a drop of essence to the gallon.
5. I got the 'beast' smogged and tagged for another year.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Toot- Toot... End of the Month
Well February has come to an end. Here's five things about my life you can chew on:
1- Well Winemaking has rocketed into high gear. To date we have the following eleven wines in production:
-Blueberry- 1 gal
-Raspberry- 1 gal
-Raspberry/blueberry- 1 gal
-Mint- 1 gal
-Spiced Apple Cider- 1 gal
-Blackberry- 1 gal
-Pineapple- 1 gal
-Welch's Grape- 5 gal
-Boysenberry- 1 gal
-Ginger Peach- 1 gal
-Vanilla Cherry Pie- 1 gal
2- I'll be working 12.5 days next month.
3- Got a chance to go to the PB Bar & Grill to see some old friends from the Navy last night.
4- Looking at laminate and engineered floors. Cost looks like it's $6 a square foot (labor included) plus underlayment and finishing costs. For an estimated 700 sq ft that's $4200.00 and that doesn't include the stairs and the bannister. (Guess I'm glad I'm working those extra days).
5- Final tape off for the Bathroom begins tonight.
Bonus: KAO is getting a $$$ promotion to Alameda, CA. It's not perfect but at least we'll live in the same friggin' state.
1- Well Winemaking has rocketed into high gear. To date we have the following eleven wines in production:
-Blueberry- 1 gal
-Raspberry- 1 gal
-Raspberry/blueberry- 1 gal
-Mint- 1 gal
-Spiced Apple Cider- 1 gal
-Blackberry- 1 gal
-Pineapple- 1 gal
-Welch's Grape- 5 gal
-Boysenberry- 1 gal
-Ginger Peach- 1 gal
-Vanilla Cherry Pie- 1 gal
2- I'll be working 12.5 days next month.
3- Got a chance to go to the PB Bar & Grill to see some old friends from the Navy last night.
4- Looking at laminate and engineered floors. Cost looks like it's $6 a square foot (labor included) plus underlayment and finishing costs. For an estimated 700 sq ft that's $4200.00 and that doesn't include the stairs and the bannister. (Guess I'm glad I'm working those extra days).
5- Final tape off for the Bathroom begins tonight.
Bonus: KAO is getting a $$$ promotion to Alameda, CA. It's not perfect but at least we'll live in the same friggin' state.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Five more things...
1. Call him Head Coach. Norv Turner returned to the Chargers as head coach to replace the fired Marty Schottenheimer. You'll recall I was thinking Ron Rivera would be the man... it turns out he will be a Charger coach- the linebackers coach.
2. All the wines are fermenting and I'll transfer them over to secondary fermentors tomorrow.
3. The bathroom project starts tomorrow as well. All the goods: paint, primer, rollers, brushes, etc are ready to go.
4. We had rain yesterday. A nice soaking.
5. Got some more days at NHC for March and April.
2. All the wines are fermenting and I'll transfer them over to secondary fermentors tomorrow.
3. The bathroom project starts tomorrow as well. All the goods: paint, primer, rollers, brushes, etc are ready to go.
4. We had rain yesterday. A nice soaking.
5. Got some more days at NHC for March and April.
Friday, February 16, 2007
My five cents worth
Here's today's top five:
1- The interviews for the Chargers head coaching job continue. Everyone is probably wondering who my choice is for the job. I like Ron Rivera from da Bears. A 3rd year defensive coordinator he meets some of AJ Smiths criteria. He's defensive minded. He says he can work with the 3-4 that SD currently uses. He's young. He has Super Bowl experience both as a coach and a player. He'll come cheaper than Bill Parcells and the most important he says he can work with AJ. Whomever the choice is--- they better not screw with the system that's in place--- it works!
2- A good college friend is battling multiple myeloma. It's a pretty rough cancer and he'll be needing a bone marrow transplant and a kidney transplant in the coming months. Please keep Jay in your prayers.
3- I averted a winemaking disaster. I made a yeast starter- that didn't start. I boiled juice, sugar and water and probably added the yeast powder too soon. It never germinated. I added it to the wine must and... nothing. Today I quickly got another started and then added it to the quietly silent wine must. All have begun to happily bubble and a disaster has been sidestepped. This batch will include single gallons of: mint, blackberry, pineapple and apple. Stay tuned for more. The first three are in secondary fermentation: 1 gallon each of raspberry and blueberry and 1/2 gallon of blueberry/raspberry.
4- I went to the commissary and did some grocery shopping today. Also stopped by pass and decal and got a sticker for the Civic that GMO drives.
5- BMO likes his new phone. It's a hnad-me-down from GMO and has been working well so far. I recycled the old and broken phone so it doesn't end up in the landfill to poison the environment.
P.S. Please say a prayer that Karen gets the job in SD, that she is hoping for.
1- The interviews for the Chargers head coaching job continue. Everyone is probably wondering who my choice is for the job. I like Ron Rivera from da Bears. A 3rd year defensive coordinator he meets some of AJ Smiths criteria. He's defensive minded. He says he can work with the 3-4 that SD currently uses. He's young. He has Super Bowl experience both as a coach and a player. He'll come cheaper than Bill Parcells and the most important he says he can work with AJ. Whomever the choice is--- they better not screw with the system that's in place--- it works!
2- A good college friend is battling multiple myeloma. It's a pretty rough cancer and he'll be needing a bone marrow transplant and a kidney transplant in the coming months. Please keep Jay in your prayers.
3- I averted a winemaking disaster. I made a yeast starter- that didn't start. I boiled juice, sugar and water and probably added the yeast powder too soon. It never germinated. I added it to the wine must and... nothing. Today I quickly got another started and then added it to the quietly silent wine must. All have begun to happily bubble and a disaster has been sidestepped. This batch will include single gallons of: mint, blackberry, pineapple and apple. Stay tuned for more. The first three are in secondary fermentation: 1 gallon each of raspberry and blueberry and 1/2 gallon of blueberry/raspberry.
4- I went to the commissary and did some grocery shopping today. Also stopped by pass and decal and got a sticker for the Civic that GMO drives.
5- BMO likes his new phone. It's a hnad-me-down from GMO and has been working well so far. I recycled the old and broken phone so it doesn't end up in the landfill to poison the environment.
P.S. Please say a prayer that Karen gets the job in SD, that she is hoping for.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Marty gets the Ziggy
Well it's true. After losing their two coordinators and two other assistants, the Chargers fired Marty Schottenheimer. Marty had spurned San Diego's offer of a one year extension, three days after his teams unexpected exit from the playoffs. In essense he was gonig into the 2007 season as a lame duck. With only a patchwork coaching staff, it would have been all Marty in the conig season. That was something GM A.J. Smith and owner Dean Spanos weren't ready to accpet.
Here are my other four items for today.
2. Bill and I went to the zoo. It really impressed the man from Ashland. "that's the best zoo I've ever seen," said the Wisconsin native.
3. It's time for Spring Training!
4. The wine is still bub, bub, bubbling. Iwill check the PA tomorrow night and see if it is ready to rack into the secondary fermentor.
5. If anyone would like to contribute empty wine bottles please let me know! We'll need some.
Here are my other four items for today.
2. Bill and I went to the zoo. It really impressed the man from Ashland. "that's the best zoo I've ever seen," said the Wisconsin native.
3. It's time for Spring Training!
4. The wine is still bub, bub, bubbling. Iwill check the PA tomorrow night and see if it is ready to rack into the secondary fermentor.
5. If anyone would like to contribute empty wine bottles please let me know! We'll need some.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Another Week
Here's my five top things
1- Welcome Victor! born this week to Antonio and Keith.
2- Worked two days this week.
3- Both jugs of fruit wine (blueberry and raspberry) have had yeast added and they're chugging along.
4- BMO did well on his math test.
5- Time to paint the bathroom. Game plan is: paint the ceiling bright white- down the walls 3 inches and install moulding. Then light blue walls. (maybe with sponged texture?). And repaint the cabinet slate blue and paint or repalce the medicine cabinet and put up new light.
1- Welcome Victor! born this week to Antonio and Keith.
2- Worked two days this week.
3- Both jugs of fruit wine (blueberry and raspberry) have had yeast added and they're chugging along.
4- BMO did well on his math test.
5- Time to paint the bathroom. Game plan is: paint the ceiling bright white- down the walls 3 inches and install moulding. Then light blue walls. (maybe with sponged texture?). And repaint the cabinet slate blue and paint or repalce the medicine cabinet and put up new light.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Super Sunday

Well it's halftime and 16-14 Colts.
My Five things:
1- I made new wine labels
2- All the wallpaper is down from the bathroom.
3- Laundry is being finished.
4- Good haltime spread--- hot wings and dip, meatballs in BBQ sauce, and guacamole and chips. And ice cold beer.
5- Getting back into writing mode tonight.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Top 13 things 'to do'
Well I guess I'd better write it all down:
1. Steam wallpaper off bathroom walls.
2. See Doctor about past healthcare issues.
3. Call pals about job leads.
4. Get a DEA number
5. Join a local society.
6. get a 10 year term life policy.
7. Re-energize the stalled Flipbook project.
8. Smog check the family van.
9. Dust off the winemaking stuff.
10. Clean up the front yard and replant.
11. Grocery shopping.
12. Vacuum the house.
13. Catch up on correspondence.
1. Steam wallpaper off bathroom walls.
2. See Doctor about past healthcare issues.
3. Call pals about job leads.
4. Get a DEA number
5. Join a local society.
6. get a 10 year term life policy.
7. Re-energize the stalled Flipbook project.
8. Smog check the family van.
9. Dust off the winemaking stuff.
10. Clean up the front yard and replant.
11. Grocery shopping.
12. Vacuum the house.
13. Catch up on correspondence.
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