Friday, April 27, 2007

My International 7 & 7

Here's the top seven international (not in the USA) sites I have seen:

1- Newschwainstein Castle (Germany)
2- Big Ben and London Town (England)
3- Loch Ness & the Highlands (Scotland)
4- The Rock (Gibraltar)
5- Valley of the Fallen (Spain)
6- Venice (Italy)
7- Rome (Italy)

Seven places in the world I would like to see:

1- Carnivale Week (Brazil)
2- The Islands (of Croatia)
3- A Safari (with camera- not gun) (Africa)
4- The Louvre in Paris (France)
5- A Canadians game at the Forum in Montreal (Canada)
6- A cruise into the Fjords (Norway)
7- The Kremlin (Russia)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Seven Sights to See

I've travelled around the U.S.A. and at 47 I think I've seen some pretty interesting sights. My top seven are:

1- Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
2- The Mall in Washington D.C.
3- The Grand Canyon
4- Mount Rushmore
5- Baseball Hall of Fame- Cooperstown, NY
6- Cape Canaveral, FL
7- Niagara Falls, NY

Places I want to visit:

1- Roswell, New Mexico
2- Yosemite National Park
3- New York City at Christmas and Times Square at New Year's
4- Boston's Fenway Park
5- Glacier National Park
6- Gettyburg Battlefield
7- Augusta National Golf Course

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Seven People I'd Like 2 Meet

Have you ever wondered what you'd utter to say... Abraham Lincoln... if he came walking up your front porch?

Here are seven people and the question I would ask them if they appeared at the front door.

1. Moses... 'So... does God sound like James Earl Jones?'
2. Pandora... 'What's in the box?'
3. Albert Einstein... 'Did you eat a lot of fish and what did you study in school to get so smart?'
4. Nicole Brown Simpson.... 'O.J. did it, didn't he?'
5. Christopher Columbus... 'Tell me honestly Chris- were you worried you were going to sail off the edge of the world and how did you keep your crew from mutiny-ing?'
6. Saddam Hussein... 'Where did you put those weapons of mass destruction?'
7. Gilligan... 'Ginger or Marrianne?'

Obviously mine are a little funny- butb think about it. Who would you want to ask a question of?