Saturday, July 18, 2009

Apollo 14 Landing Site

Science instruments (circled left) and the lunar module lower stage (circled right) are connected by a footprint trail.

To all the folks who thought the moon landings were filmed in a back lot in the Arizona desert... I told you so. A recent photo of the site (above) shows that everything is still there. This also puts to rest that aliens live on the moon and were checking out the landing sight, too--- notice there is only one set of footprints.
The BBC article states that all landing sites- except for Apollo 12 have been oveflown and photographed. Here's the link if you are interested in learning more:

Watson Leads British Open

It's been many years since I've followed professional golf. I did go out to watch one round of the Buick Open at Torrey Pines a few years ago, but I've not been keeping up with the PGA golf scene. Until now.

Seeing 59 year old Tom Watson leading after two rounds of the British Open at Turnberry makes for an exciting story. He's won five Opens and could win his biggest yet with a win this weekend. He would displace Julius Boros (48 years old in the 1968 PGA Championship) as the oldest golfer to win a major golf tournament (Masters, US Open, British Open or PGA).

Tiger Woods missed the cut.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Happy Birthday USA.

Remember why they stood tall and fought Great Britain so hard 233 years ago... it was for Freedom.

Norman Rockwell showed us the "Four Freedoms" in 1943 that were inspired by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Worship

Freedom From Want

Freedom From Fear

God Bless America:
Now and in the Future.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

American Independence Day. How different might it have been if the American Revolution would take place today instead of 233 years ago. Perhaps with the technologies of today England would have beaten down the revolution. With today's tanks, missiles, airplanes available, England would have access to all of these and the colonists would not. The small arms available today would not be a match for the firepower of an Imperialist country like England.

But it all happened long ago, none of the modern tech stuff was available and the British were more concerned with their war with France than our little colonial revolt... thus... we won our independence.

Happy Birthday U.S.A.