Saturday, August 21, 2010

233- Pretty Freaking Incredible

Pencil Nub Alphabet

From the website:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

228- Smith-Corolla

Anyone out there ever type on one of these? I used one as a kid and took it to college to type my term papers on. A manual Smith-Corolla typewriter. The funny thing is I never took a typing class in high school and even to this day still need to look at my fingers to type.

Does anyone out there (besides me) not know how to touch type?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

227- Chargers 25 Bears 10

The Chargers beat Chicago in their first pre-season game. All the hard work in practice (above) seems to be paying off for the reigning 2010 AFC West Champs.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

224- Has Our Modern Day Morale Compass Shifted... It's All Relative Now

The corrupt Illinois Governor that is on trial right now for trying to sell President Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder. The rumor is that the jury is deadlocked. Blago in his own words is soliciting bribes or the political appointment and somehow the jury is deadlocked? WTF?

Since when did graft and corruption become relative?

It's nothing new because this sort of crap has been going on with our "fine and upstanding" political leaders for at least the past 25 years. It doesn't matter what political party affiliation you have. There are fat donkeys and elephants getting fatter and richer because of graft, corruption, bribes, payola, pork barrel, lobbyists, campaign contributions and the list goes on. Guns for hostages, Haliburton, The Lincoln bedroom, Watergate, Whitewater, Dodd's Sweetheart loan deals, bounced checks at the Congress bank, money in freezers, undeclared rental property income, illegal nannies and many, many more which brings us up to Selling a Senate seat.

Is it all really relative? I am sure this kind of corruption wasn't on the founding fathers agenda when they signed the Declaration of Independence. George Washington wouldn't have done it, Abe Lincoln or Harry Truman or FDR wouldn't either... so when did our country go bad and accept the crap our leaders toss at us? Since when did we allow the rich and powerful to be above the law...?

When did America's Morale Compass get sold to the highest con artist?

Is it really all relative?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

223- If Only We Could...

... be allowed to take the summer off (from June to September) just like we did when we were kids. I was telling some of my young patients that I think adults should get summers off. Just like them so we could play on the swings and hang out at the beach. Sleeping in and waking up at ten o'clock... ahhh that would be the life. I think the world would be a much better place if we all could take the time off (even if just for a month) to recharge, sleep in and get rested up for the rest of the year.

When we lived in Portugal the whole continent of Europe seemed to shut down for the month of August so everyone could get away to he beaches to cool off and relax during the hottest month of the year. You can tell they're more relaxed than we are... the guys wear Speedo's at the beach and the women go topless. Aside from the Speedo idea, I think we should take a page out of their playbook for our country!

222- On It's Way To Extinction?

Is the printed newspaper going the way of the dinosaur?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

220- My Doppleganger

They say that everyone has a double out there.

* (the real me)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

216- Seven Years and One Month New

Happy Birthday Scion. Seven years and 100,000 miles ago we brought yo home from the dealership!

215- My Scion xA Milestone 100,000 Miles

Monday, August 2, 2010

214- Mr. Punt Return Machine Man

We went to Charger Training Camp yesterday. Look at this guy--- what life. You just feed footballs into the machine and it shoots them into the air for guys to catch. In a perfect world this would be my next job. How can I apply?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

213- Things That Go Together

Just like Salt and pepper; Peanut Butter and Jelly; Baseball and Hot Dogs...

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