Wednesday, June 22, 2011

171- A Whole Long Week

I'll be working a whole week and so far (3 days) it's been great. It's awesome when you get to work with a highly competent and well trained staff of dental assistants. For 21 years I struggled with half trained and less than half interested assistants in the Navy. It seemed that you got very green and unskilled techs to do the assisting and just as soon as they reached a high skill level you either saw them transferred to work with a specialist (Oral Surgeon, Endodontist or Periodontist) or watched them receive a "promotion" to push paper and do administrative tasking for the boss. The worst was having a male dental tech who wondered why the hell he ever chose to be a dental tech and spent the remainder of his enlistment trying to get out of doing it.

Enough of a rant Those years are long past. Now I work with assistants who actually like what they are doing, strive to improve their skills and enjoy coming to work every day. Yay for me and for my patients.

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