Saturday, January 29, 2011

29- New Slideshow Software

I've been trying to find a slideshow maker that will keep my photos intact and allow me to make mini photo albums of all the pictures and events we've had in our family. I saw one that looked promising at Fry's Electronics and brought it home. It's called Slideshow Expressions by Individual Software.

So far it's everything I had hoped. I can add an mp3 music file to it and it can pan and zoom in on your still photos. It will write to CD or DVD and you can play it on your TV. I haven't checked all these out yet- but that's what they say. So far I've made two albums.. errr slideshows. The first was Erin's graduation and the second was our trip to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. Currently I am putting together our trip to France last summer.

I had tried Powerpoint from MS Office- but it messed up the jpeg photos. I had been using Flipalbum but it proved to be very finicky and when I loaded it on the new computer it didn't run well at all.

So for $19.99 I'll try this out and see how it goes. I'll let you know... supposedly I can upload them to you tube and if so I'll post the link.

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