Sunday, March 6, 2011

65- "Oooo What a Lucky man he was...."

Anyone remember that song by ???

Anyway I am a lucky man. Every day in every way God has blessed me. He's blessed me through not only my life, but through my wife and our children.

So often we sit back and never share with others about our blessings. Have I ever told you guys about our great kids? K and I are just so lucky to have three great children.

GMO is an exceptional young man. He's been around the world and is no worse for the wear. He's been on our families journey the longest and has the best stories to tell.He's got that great Osmak sense of humor and can get even the grumpiest grump to smile. He's a genius with computers and I look at him and think, "the world is his oyster, full of pearls for him to find."

E is a fantastic young woman. She's living her dream and if sheer willpower and positive attitude can cure cancer, than that disease doesn't stand a chance with her around. And I am sure that she knows that she can do anything she puts her mind to... the sky is the limit. Not only is she beautiful but she's so smart that it is actually scary... who knows maybe a future president?

BMO is a young stallion who is just now getting ready to burst unto the adult scene. He's got so much discipline, energy and potential. He will soon make his impression and mark on the world.I'm not sure how he will make his mark on the world but I see the happiness he has and how he touches the lives of others every day. He's a lot like me so I can expect great things from whatever path he choses.

I am so blessed to have a great wife and great kids. I'll bet whomever reads this thinks I'm bragging... but no more than you do of your own children. This is just my chance to shout out that I think America will be in good hands. There's an awful lot of negativity in the press and on the news everyday, saying America is in decline... not so. With all this talent I can see nothing great things ahead for our country and our world. Thank God for all the goodness he has given to the next generation.

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