Thursday, March 10, 2011

69- Budget

How did the US government get into such a budget mess? The easy answer is they spent more than they took in. I hate to say it but I have to ask the question why is that? I mean I can't spend more than I make unless I want to go into debt. If I charge my credit cards or fail to make a payment on my house they foreclose. But we've used borrowing money from other countries to GIVE away the money to unneeded projects and foreign country aid. WTF?

Three questions I want answered:

1- Why did President Bush give out a huge tax cut when we had a surplus even though we had a huge deficit? I mean if I owe someone money and I get a bonus or raise, I am expected to pay off my debt. Again WTF? Why do our leaders think they need to spend ever last dime and then some? Short sighted leaders who want nothing else but to get re-elected. You know part of me would agree to paying more in taxes if only I knew they would spend it in a responsible manner--- but that will never be the case.

2- Why did Congress take all that money that was set aside for the social security program- the money everyone gets deducted from their paycheck- and "Borrow it" (that means take it and spend it on whatever they wanted) instead of investing it and actually having the money to use for social security payments. Again WTF? I mean really if I have money deducted from my pay check for my IRA, I can't just go out and buy a boat with it can I? I mean the government will hit me with a pretty huge penalty. I mean once i get to 59 1/2 I can spend it but not until then.

3- Why is Congress imposing all these rules and regulations on me and my healthcare- yet they don't have to live by them? Again WTF? Why are they getting treated like royalty... they aren't... all men ( and women) are created equal... says so right in the constitution. These guys are all exempt from the new healthcare mandates. Why??? Are they some special breed of American that is above the law? Just who do they think they are anyway? Momar Quaddafi or maybe Hasni Mubarik?

Hell, all these lawmakers don't even pay into social security. Their reasoning is that they won't receive any benefits from it... no kidding. Plenty of workers have paid into the system and never received a dime... they died before they could draw it. Chances are good I will never receive a dime either- the fund will be broke by then.

Sorry for the rant--- I didn't know what to write about and these items have been burning a hole in my brain lately.

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